i need someone to talk to that understands how i feel

2 minute read time.

Hi all, i`m new on here not reall sure its where i wanna b as it makes this all to real intead of a bad dream. I feel alone in my thoughtseveryone always asks how my hubby is but never how am i, well i am finding it hard too..My hubby was diognosed with GMB4 in feb 2010 when he was admitted to hospital with a stroke, after having all the tests n scan they discovered a mass in his brain, he had a biopsy where it was dicovered that it was malignant tumour, he then had surgery involving debulking of right frontal lobe, followed by 26 sessions of RT, and 2 cycles of chemo ,he was quite ill during this treatment.After the treatment was finished he seamed to recover well and has had regular 3 mthly scans and reviews all of which have given no c ause for concern excepty the one b4 this last one where we were told that they could see very slight changes but were not unduly worried as he was quite well in himself,even tho we were told that this was a very aggressive tumour and couldnot be cured only controlled so we were always aware that it would rear its ugly head again soon.He has just had this mths scan and results are on monday but i know in my heart of hearts that its not gonna be good news this time as for the past few weeks he has been getting headaches again and that is how it all started also he is getting verbally aggressive and his memory is getting worse,I find myself distancing from him as i think it would be easier to cope when the time comes so all the closeness we had is fading i dont know how else to cope with the changes he is not the same person,i sit and cry most nights when i am on my own as i feel so alone.He is 64 and i am 56 we have known each other for many years and been together for 8 of them and celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary this sunday, whats to celebrate ???????. we just get on with our lives the best way we can without thinking of whats to come ,dont know if thats the right thing to do .He was given up to a year life expectancy at the beginning and we are now in our 17th month ,Anyone out there in the same or similar  position i would be grateful for your comments.x

  • FormerMember

    Big hugs, I totally agree with the others try your best to enjoy your wedding anniversary and I hope Monday goes ok.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Gemi

    Sorry that you have joined this site as it is not due to happy circumstances.

    You may want to follow the thread 'we talk brain tumours' that you will find on here.  It is a blog for those who have a BT or caring for someone with a BT.  I have found the blog to be a fantastic support as people on there are dealing with the same illness as each type of tumour is different and the brain seems to affect people in many different ways in such a short period of time.

    I am sure that you will find it useful, I find it good to talk to people who are going through exactly what you are.

    Totally relate to your comment on people asking about your husband and not you,  I feel like that sometimes.  My husband was only diagnosed with his BT in March this year,  he is only 36 and we have an 11 year old daughter and I have found it very difficult and exhausting.  I don't think that anyone can really understand how a BT affects an individual as it changes their whole personality and mood and quite often they do not know themselves so I just keep reminding myself that it is the disease and not my husband acting like this.

    I do hope that you can find some support on the we talk braintumours link

    take care. x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gemi

    Sorry that you have joined this site as it is not due to happy circumstances.

    You may want to follow the thread 'we talk brain tumours' that you will find on here.  It is a blog for those who have a BT or caring for someone with a BT.  I have found the blog to be a fantastic support as people on there are dealing with the same illness as each type of tumour is different and the brain seems to affect people in many different ways in such a short period of time.

    I am sure that you will find it useful, I find it good to talk to people who are going through exactly what you are.

    Totally relate to your comment on people asking about your husband and not you,  I feel like that sometimes.  My husband was only diagnosed with his BT in March this year,  he is only 36 and we have an 11 year old daughter and I have found it very difficult and exhausting.  I don't think that anyone can really understand how a BT affects an individual as it changes their whole personality and mood and quite often they do not know themselves so I just keep reminding myself that it is the disease and not my husband acting like this.

    I do hope that you can find some support on the we talk braintumours link

    take care. x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for your kind and caring comments which are gratefully appreciated and i will keep u all updated with progress,you have been really kind i feel bettaalready ,i have friend requested everyone so that i can keep intouch with you all i hope you dont mind, lov to all and take care of yourselves too, will update on monday when return from onc appt,

  • FormerMember

    Upate on hubby`s scan...Good news there was NO CHANGE.. so anova scan in 3 mths ,spoke about headaches but dr said was not worried just take 500mg paracetamol in the morning should help with that. am so pleased with that result as really was expecting to hear that the tumour was becoming active again, they are really pleased with him and that he is coping well and said they have no worries at the moment, but that does not mean that things may not start happening b4 next scan does it ,what changes am i supposed to be looking for how will i know when things are not right and should be seeking medical advice ?? am still worried even tho its good news i don`t kno what signs i should b aware of that things are not going too well, will it be like b4 when it was first diagnosed,having the stroke which lead to it being discovered in the first place ???, anyone who can help with any symptoms that i can look out for plz let me know