i need someone to talk to that understands how i feel

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Hi all, i`m new on here not reall sure its where i wanna b as it makes this all to real intead of a bad dream. I feel alone in my thoughtseveryone always asks how my hubby is but never how am i, well i am finding it hard too..My hubby was diognosed with GMB4 in feb 2010 when he was admitted to hospital with a stroke, after having all the tests n scan they discovered a mass in his brain, he had a biopsy where it was dicovered that it was malignant tumour, he then had surgery involving debulking of right frontal lobe, followed by 26 sessions of RT, and 2 cycles of chemo ,he was quite ill during this treatment.After the treatment was finished he seamed to recover well and has had regular 3 mthly scans and reviews all of which have given no c ause for concern excepty the one b4 this last one where we were told that they could see very slight changes but were not unduly worried as he was quite well in himself,even tho we were told that this was a very aggressive tumour and couldnot be cured only controlled so we were always aware that it would rear its ugly head again soon.He has just had this mths scan and results are on monday but i know in my heart of hearts that its not gonna be good news this time as for the past few weeks he has been getting headaches again and that is how it all started also he is getting verbally aggressive and his memory is getting worse,I find myself distancing from him as i think it would be easier to cope when the time comes so all the closeness we had is fading i dont know how else to cope with the changes he is not the same person,i sit and cry most nights when i am on my own as i feel so alone.He is 64 and i am 56 we have known each other for many years and been together for 8 of them and celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary this sunday, whats to celebrate ???????. we just get on with our lives the best way we can without thinking of whats to come ,dont know if thats the right thing to do .He was given up to a year life expectancy at the beginning and we are now in our 17th month ,Anyone out there in the same or similar  position i would be grateful for your comments.x

  • FormerMember

    I just wanted to add that hubby had refused any further treatment after he finshed his last chemo back in november 2010 as it would only prolong his life expectancy by about another 4 mths and he said he would rather have a quality of life rather than take treatment again and spend the rest of his time feeling so ill ,i have to repect his wishes after all it is his body and he must make the choices

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gemini.

    You both are going through a bad time. But your here on this site where nobody is alone . You have more friends on this site than you could imagine. We will support,comfort,and try and understand what you are going through. There is always someone here to listen if you want to talk or if you want to get things off your chest then this is the place to do it.  We have all been through this disease and the very special people the carers who look after us . without whom we wouldnt have got this far. So remember your not alone. whatever you do, will be the right thing. You both need eachother. Under the circumstances we hope you both

    have a nice quiet Anniversary on Sunday.  Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gemini,I think most of us on here feel like you so you are not alone,My Pete was diagnosed 6 yrs ago and i have sort of excepted the situation we are in,its taken me a very long time but my wonderful husband just bounces back the drs and oncology nurses are amazed,we have been in seperate rooms for months i hated it at first but Pete can stretch out and he only as to shout and im there,read our profile,stay strong and keep up the fight.Hugs Chris.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Gemini and welcome to our site.  I was diagnosed with high grade cancer in 2007 but became very ill with infection after only one dose of chemo.   By the time I had recovered enough it was too late  so, at first, I kept thinking this nasty disease is going come back at any moment.  Well, here  we are 2011 and I decided to make the most of it rather than keep driving myself up the wall with when/if/has the cancer returned.  I just take each day as it comes and decide to make the most of it.  I don't know how you feel and your husband must be equally scared that he will not spend many happy days with you, hence his anger.  You are both coming up to your first anniversary - get your wedding pics out, take a look and remember why you married - for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.  Refuse to be sad on your anniversary and celebrate your love for eachother - it really is the strongest medicine.  Arrange something special, take the phone off the hook and just be together - no cancer mentioned, just fun and happiness for the year you have both shared.  No-one knows how long we have in life and no-one deserves cancer, which affects the whole family.  Happy Anniversary and good luck for your husband's results next week.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Aw HUGS i'm sorry you're going through this.  Please don't worry about Monday yet, we find they alway say the opposite to what we expect, until you know and they say what is what, try not to worry.  As for your wedding anniversay, celebrate being married to the man you love, spoil him and do something you both enjoy.  I understand you want to protect yourself by distancing yourself but you may regret it so embrace your love for him with both hands.  Take care and please let us know how you get on.xx