From Stomach Cancer to survival

  • part 2.......

    Well here we go AGAIN.... Just discovered that I have now got Cancer in the abdomen though this time, it's inoperable and incurable! But the good news is that it should be manageable with chemo! I was gutted (for half an hour!)  when I was told.
    Then I dusted myself down and got my sights set to determinedly fight this thing all the way.
    And though it looks like a long and hard road. I shall do my best to get the…
  • Efforts proved worthwhile


    Got an email back from Macmillans yesterday, thanking my family for their efforts in raising over £9000 for Macmillans at our fun day last year. This was done in recognition for the support given to me during my fight with Stomach Cancer. And in response, I have fought back hard to get here today and prove my efforts worthwhile for all those who stood by me, including my family and friends who supported the above event…

  • Being youthful


    Well yesterday my issues were with the generation gap as it proved a difficult day for bridging the generation gap after our teenager son seemed to turn into a youthful "MR Mildrew" and complained about how "stupid" the world was or how unfair the establishment was with him. I swear that wars have been started with less passion than he had yesterday! And it was utterly frustrating that no matter what, I couldn't get through…

  • Another Monday done


    Yes another Monday done and another week started. Though with the tiredness still hitting me, it wil still be some time before its back to a working week, but I am working on it (Pun intended!) :-) And as always still determined to keep my sense of humor (even if it does need working on!). So on we go and with the first 2 weeks of the new year underway, it hasnt been a bad start to the year. The snow tried to change…

  • Remiss or remission?


    Been a reasonable weekend, The usual tiredness and toilet issues but not enough to ruin the weekend or dampen my determiantion to fight through.However the most interesting thing was chatting in the macmillan chat rooms where i was taken back by how much people declare them self as "In remission" rather than declare themself as "clear of cancer".

    It made me wonder if my optimism was remiss of me but…