Cycle 1, Day 2 ( Saturday, October 23, 2010 at 11:53pm )

1 minute read time.

I'm not going to write about every day, but just to let you know that I've not been bad at all. Had to get up early to eat before I could have my chemo. tablets and anti-sickness tabs. Did the Friday washing loads today, went to supermarket and bought lots of snacky stuff because I have to eat little and often rather than big meals. We had Chinese as usual. I'm getting a bit of reflux and some 'burning' you know where, so drinking lots of water. I had a couple of weird twinges yesterday, 3 on my left and 1 on my right today, and I did wonder if those twinges were the actual infected nodes? Probably not but you never know.


I'm supposed to take my 2nd lot of tablets approx. 12 hours later but that means eating really late because you have to have them with food, either that or getting up at the crack of dawn! I have to write it all down in a booklet, plus any symptoms. Suppose I should be in bed, was thinking "aaah lie-in" but then realised I'm going to have to get up to eat for the tabs! 'groan' Mind you if that's the worse thing then who am I to complain? 'fingers-crossed'.
