The Best Kind of Therapy?

2 minute read time.


Ok, call me crazy. In the midst of chemo. On death's door much of the time through nausea and exhaustion (well, mostly exhaustion actually), but I'm buying a puppy! Am I crackers?

I used to have a dog years ago. Loved her to bits. She was a Golden Cocker Spaniel and I shared many happy times with her. Now, years later, I have been thinking about getting a dog (particularly since I got divorced two years ago and moved house). My kids want a dog too. For the last 6 months, even my boyfriend has been driving me mad for a dog! However, I kept telling myself I couldn't be bothered with the walking and scooping up of poo!

Then, my sister phoned me on Friday. "Do you want to see the new addition to our family?" she asked. "OH MY GOD.... YOU'VE GOT A DOG!!!!!" I screamed at her! "Yep!". So I went round. OMG, this dog is sooooo cute. A 9 week old Golden Cocker Spaniel (she's always copied me lol!). So, I went round. This dog, she's on my lap. Well, that was it. Suddenly all the amazing memories of having a dog came flooding back. The companionship. The unconditional love. The loyalty. Their 'sixth sense' when you're not well. All of it. So, that was it. Decision made.

I spent the next 5 hours surfing the internet. I've always known what dog I would get. A Cockerpoo. It's a Cocker Spaniel and Toy Poodle mix. The Spaniel bit, because I've always adored the breed and the poodle bit because they don't moult (or very little) and are hypoallergenic (my daughter and I are mild asthmatics).  Of course, it would have to be golden and female too (because of my old dog). Then, my research paid off. I found one. The only one in the bloody country with the right breed, colour and sex. 

So, the next day (Saturday), my boyfriend and I drove 200 miles to see it and it's mother. ADOREABLE. Fell in love. My boyfriend says it's the first time for ages he's seen me smile so much. I couldn't let this dog go. We stayed there for 2 hours! I didn't want to leave her. My boyfriend had to peel me away! I put a deposit down on her. We'll collect her in 3 weeks time (she's only 4 weeks old at the moment).

Told the kids last night. They went crazy! They were so excited. Everyone will help look after her. It's going to be a wonderful addition to our little family. I'm really happy for the first time in ages. Really excited (er.... can you tell lol!!) Something really positive to look forward to. She'll come everywhere with me. She'll get me out and about during the day (I have been a hermit for weeks now), and offer me lovely company all the time.  The best kind of therapy.... what do you think?

Here she is...


  • FormerMember

    LOL Marsha had to read the bit about "Cocker breath" twice!!!!!!!!

    You love that little rascal to bits you know it - my lounge is littered with a chewed up inner tube from the loo roll !!!

  • FormerMember

    oh my god thats the cutest thing ive ever seen!!! well done you,im sure she will bring you many happy times and laughs and a few chewed shoes and shit on the carpet...enjoy her xx

  • FormerMember

    Good on you. I have thought about a puppy such a lot lately but didnt think would be able to cope with chemo etc and puppy  and cant trust my son to do his bit !  Im sure all will be fine looks adorable. x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Monna,

    She looks goegeous, just the therapy you need. It's good to have things to look forward to and be able to focus on something different. You do sound excited,  hope the next three weeks go by quickly for you.

    Love and hugs Amanda xx

  • FormerMember

    OMG i am so jealous - i got my dog last year when i was first told i had cancer - it is the best thing that i have done - obviously been at home does help with the training and bonding - i love my little mia to bits - she is a chocolate lab and she is a real comfort to me and the rest of the family just adore her - we go out every morning for at least an hour and half and then if we manage to get out later in the afternoon that is a bonus - my cat who was a stray and i took in in 2000 does not really like other four legged creatures but she has bonded really well with mia and i have no problems what so ever with them both - i too used a crate - i left the door open to begin with and put her toys and treats in there for her and i had no problems with her using it as her bed - it was also useful and still is when we have visitors or when the younger members of the family wont leave her alone - she takes herslef of to her bed and i shut the door - well i could go on and on about how wonderful it is to have a dog but i'm sure you will find all of this out for yourself very soon - keep us all posted and look forward to seeing photo's of her - karen - xoxo