The Best Kind of Therapy?

2 minute read time.


Ok, call me crazy. In the midst of chemo. On death's door much of the time through nausea and exhaustion (well, mostly exhaustion actually), but I'm buying a puppy! Am I crackers?

I used to have a dog years ago. Loved her to bits. She was a Golden Cocker Spaniel and I shared many happy times with her. Now, years later, I have been thinking about getting a dog (particularly since I got divorced two years ago and moved house). My kids want a dog too. For the last 6 months, even my boyfriend has been driving me mad for a dog! However, I kept telling myself I couldn't be bothered with the walking and scooping up of poo!

Then, my sister phoned me on Friday. "Do you want to see the new addition to our family?" she asked. "OH MY GOD.... YOU'VE GOT A DOG!!!!!" I screamed at her! "Yep!". So I went round. OMG, this dog is sooooo cute. A 9 week old Golden Cocker Spaniel (she's always copied me lol!). So, I went round. This dog, she's on my lap. Well, that was it. Suddenly all the amazing memories of having a dog came flooding back. The companionship. The unconditional love. The loyalty. Their 'sixth sense' when you're not well. All of it. So, that was it. Decision made.

I spent the next 5 hours surfing the internet. I've always known what dog I would get. A Cockerpoo. It's a Cocker Spaniel and Toy Poodle mix. The Spaniel bit, because I've always adored the breed and the poodle bit because they don't moult (or very little) and are hypoallergenic (my daughter and I are mild asthmatics).  Of course, it would have to be golden and female too (because of my old dog). Then, my research paid off. I found one. The only one in the bloody country with the right breed, colour and sex. 

So, the next day (Saturday), my boyfriend and I drove 200 miles to see it and it's mother. ADOREABLE. Fell in love. My boyfriend says it's the first time for ages he's seen me smile so much. I couldn't let this dog go. We stayed there for 2 hours! I didn't want to leave her. My boyfriend had to peel me away! I put a deposit down on her. We'll collect her in 3 weeks time (she's only 4 weeks old at the moment).

Told the kids last night. They went crazy! They were so excited. Everyone will help look after her. It's going to be a wonderful addition to our little family. I'm really happy for the first time in ages. Really excited (er.... can you tell lol!!) Something really positive to look forward to. She'll come everywhere with me. She'll get me out and about during the day (I have been a hermit for weeks now), and offer me lovely company all the time.  The best kind of therapy.... what do you think?

Here she is...


  • FormerMember

    Too gorgeous for words.....

    think we are all behind you on this decision..

    so what you going to call this new little addition?

    J xoxo

  • FormerMember

    Dear All

    Such lovely comments! I was a bit nervous as to the responses I might get. I thought some of you might say I should wait till after chemo, but you haven't, which I'm really pleased about. Those of you who had pets during your chemo all found it extremely beneficial, which is what I'm hoping for, for me. She's just what I need.

    My boyfriend will help a lot with her. He's a real animal lover, so there won't be any problems there. I have wooden floors downstairs, so any accident's should be easy to 'clear up'. I was going to get a 'wire crate' (I presume this is the same as the 'crates' some of you mention), as the breeder currently uses one, so the puppy will be used to it. The breeder says not only will it help with minimising the 'accident' area, but also, will keep the puppy safe at night. I will get her a 'bed' too for the day when I'm around and a soft toy for her to gnaw on. The breeders are a husband and wife with 4 kids (8 up to 20 years old). This is the second litter they have bred from their spaniel. We met them and they are all really nice people. They have a clean and tidy house, are non-smokers, made us put sanitising gel on our hands before handling the puppy and saw how we interacted with the mother dog before bringing out the puppy. They care about the litter. They will give us a 'puppy pack' when we pick her up, which includes  4 weeks insurance, a bag of Iams puppy food, a toy and a blanket with the mother's scent on it.  

    I got an e-mail last night from the breeders who said the puppy has just started to eat solids and is doing really well. They'll send us pictures over the next couple of weeks until we pick her up. I haven't been able to stop looking at the photos I took of her when we visited her. I've got my next chemo this Friday (yeuch!) and then two weeks later, (one week before my 3rd chemo) we'll collect her. Yeah!!!!!

    Oh, and we're going to call her 'Bowie' :-)

    Love Monna xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Mona I think it's a great idea!  She is absolutely adorable!  We have a dog too.  My daughter christened her Lady!  She is a rescue dog originally from Alabama.  Made her way to California, where we adopted her through a shelter.  

    The dog will provide loads of pleasant distractions for you and your daughters.  I hope all goes well with your treatment and recovery.  I am undergoing chemo and am half way done!  Radiation is on the horizon for me.  Will get through that too when the time comes.  

    Take care, best to youl.

