Rainy Days and Wednesdays Always Get Me Down...

4 minute read time.

If I'd thought of the song I'd have used it on Monday but didn't so Wednesday will have to do!  Actually this is another big fat lie because today is not too bad a day apart from the fact that it's still raining!

Dougy's results from JCH and GP are not that bad at all.  Not brilliant but not that bad. It seems he doesn't have bleeding ulcers or the nasty 'C' word!  BIG HURRAHS!!!!!!!!!  The blood and painful looking gut was caused by them taking so many biopsies or so they told him.  His stomach is full of fatty deposits and the nasty polypy looking thing is apparently a fold of fatty tissue in his gut.  He is on meds for life and has been told to lose 3 stone which may seem a lot but he is 19 and a half stone.  Having said that he is 6'4" tall so although it sounds bad he doesn't look fat if you know what I mean - just a bit chunky!  Anyway he is resolved to changing his eating habits.  His liver also has a lot of fatty deposits but that's down to his hard drinking days which have been long gone for a few years now!  And they want him to get the camera up the derriere just to check that things are OK there as his poos have been a little strange for the last year!

Phewwww!  Can't tell you how relieved I am and thank you so much for the love sent to me at the end of the last blog post.

Gordy and me and Mumsy all went to see our respective GPs this morning.  Gordy to get more morphine, mumsy to see if she needed a camera up the derriere and me because the pain killers I am taking for the Tenosynivitis in my arms and my dodgy left hip, knee and both ankles and feet don't seem to be doing their job.  New GP - as couldn't get to see the 'couldn't give a flying fan dance cos I'm retiring soon GP that I normally see.  So Dr Nanda makes me tell her as much as I can in the time allotted.  We only get as far as the hands, wrists and arms and I end up crying all over her stethescope!  So then I get to telling her about the brothers and my rheumatoid arthritic Mumsy and my MS riddled sister-in-law and then apologise for being such a bloody whimp complaining about my bloody hands and arms.

She isn't phased at all and tells me that she doesn't know why they have been treating me for Tenosynivitis all these years.  At that point I interrupt and advise her they haven't been treating me at all.  They've been throwing various anti-inflammatories and pain killers at me and shooing me out of the surgery without so much as a cursory glance to acknowledge I exist somtimes.  Anyway she has changed the medication from Gabapentin (she hasn't a clue why I was on these) and Diclofenic to Tramadol to be taken along with Paracetemol and Diclofenic.  I am also being referred to see a muscularskeletal specialist.  So that's me sorted then.  Mumsy doesn't have to have the camera up the derriere much to her relief (sorry but pun fully intended) and Gordy got his morphine and some protein drinks.  We then have a mooch around town, complain about the price of coffee in Costa Coffee (believe me it really does Costa).  Think I might have upset the assistant in there when I told her that the name of the place was very apt!  Whoops!

Gordy got a couple of new shirts from Next - his favourite shop!  I really needed shoes but have the oddest shaped feet and couldn't find anything, giving up after three shops!  I am just not a shopper me - would rather be watching footie, rugby or be in the pub!  Think the term 'Geezer Bird' was actually invented to describe me!

And then all of a sudden it's 11.30 am and Gordy's beautiful daughter Alex is coming round just after 12 so we all head for the car and head off home to find that Rocky has had a dump just behind the door!  He had the biggest dump when I walked him just before we went out!  I swear I do not know how such a little dog can do such whopping great poos and in such quick succession!  So I do the cleaning and disinfecting and Gordy does a runner for the loo himself and doesn't make it!  Aaaaaarrrgggghhh!  He hates this aspect of his illness with a vengeance.   Poor Gordy!  But he soon cheers up when Alex pulls up outside with his gorgeous grandson Zain.  I head off back to mine with suitably chastised Rocky who has yet ANOTHER poo on the way!

Sorry that this post has been full of poo!

Much love,

Chrissie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    some one posting about poos??? hmmm who would do such a thing... :o)

    Is it a family tradition getting cameras up your bum? Having done it,I wouldn't recommend it myself.. I would stick to drinking whiskey on a Friday or something more fun... but hey, each to their own..

    hoorah for the good stuff...

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chrissie, I'll bet it felt good to unload (no pun intended) all that on the GP. You've been carrying it around for so long, it can't have been doing you any good at all, and perhaps now you'll be treated like a human being!

    Not put off by the poo or bums at all, I've been reading about LM and her fellow baggies for ages, so it's business as usual (pun intended!).

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hahaha LM - your comment about the family tradition made me remember my experience a few years back!

    As is quite common they were running late and me being the last appointment of the day they said if I wanted anaesthetic I would have to have another appointment.  Now me being the brave woman I am (NOT) decided that the lesser of two evils would be just to have it done.  The thought of having to go through the emptying of my intestines again was just too much to bear.  (Think the fact that I had spent the last week attached to the toilet seat also had something to do with it).

    Anway there is me laid on my side with a handsome young man holding my hand and telling me to breath slowly and deeply.  Just as the doc is about to insert the darn camera I asked her what the enlightening moment had been when she decided that sticking cameras up strangers' bottoms was the career move for her!  The whole place collapsed in hysterical laughter and I did point out that it was one hell of a conversation killer at a dinner party when everyone was discussing their career paths!

    Suffice to say I had a beautiful pink colon and think it was just a touch of IBS that was causing the problems at the time.   But oh hell - the wind when the air was making it's way back down was so EMBARRASSING!  I still blush when remembering!!!!!!

  • FormerMember

    My dad had the camera up his bum once and he said it wasn't the most fun way to spend an afternoon. I've not had that but I did have a tube put all the way down into my small intestine which they filled with 2 litres of scan fluid. I tell you, when that decides that gravity has got a hold and it's time to make a bid for freedom, you don't have long to locate the facilities. If there'd been someone in the one (ONE??) cubicle in the scan area then the NHS deep clean team would have had a busy morning. Glad to hear that everyone in your household is getting sorted out. Except the dog.....

    Love Vikki x