It's That Time of Year When...

1 minute read time.

...I start baking the fruit cakes for Christmas.  (I bake and decorate celebration cakes).

Got two in the oven this morning and just washed the fruit and soaked with brandy to make two more tomorrow.  Normally I would be dancing around my kitchen with joy as I love the smells created by baking rich fruit cake but today I feel a little sad because a) I don't know if Gordy will still be with us at Christmas and b) I think the melancholy emotions of this time of year are getting to me.

October through to February seems to be the time of year when my rellies leave us.  My Uncle Tommy's anniversary was last week, my Dad's is next week, My Aunty Christine at the beginning of November, etc., etc.

A few days ago Gordy asked me to find out details of buying 'a hole in the ground' which I have done but he hasn't mentioned it again so neither have I other than to tell him I've got the details.  I'm going to arrange for mine at the same time and I think our Dougy is too.  That may make it easier on Gordy but then again it may not!  Sometimes I just don't know what to do or say as I am so terrified of upsetting him but I know these things have to be dealt with and sorted.

On a brighter note Gordy has had a few good days.  His sleep patterns are erratic but he is still getting plenty of sleep - just at 'stupid o'clock' times of the day and night.  He want out to the pub yesterday to watch the Man Utd 'v' Liverpool match and poor Amanda was gassed!  Seems Pumpy Pants was in full throttle but I put that down to the MacDonalds 55 Burger and Wedges he had the day before (his digestion system is awfully slow).  Still - at least he had a clear path to the loo as when he's gotta go - he really does gotta go!!!!!

So having checked the ingredients I really must get over to Tesco for some butter and eggs.  (Note for other cake makers:  Tesco's own butter is simply the best ever for cakey making!).

Hope you have all been enjoying the unprecedented sunshine over the last couple of days.

Much love,

Chrissie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    It cant be easy discussing things like holes in the ground.HUGS xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hey Manders, you're not alone having thoughts like those...its just a natural part of the 'journey' I think...I can have a few good weeks where im really happy, borderline manic, but then reality sets in and all I do is cry! Good luck with the baking though, I too thought about that the other day...time for Xmas cake/pud making. What recipe do you use? Last year I baked Delia's fruit cake, and it was gooooood! But it never came out dark and sticky, if you get me, like some fruit cake can be :) Keep well xxxx Claire