Good Morning Tears

2 minute read time.

Oh no!  I wake up crying and really hate myself for doing this because I never seem to be able to lift my mood when I do.  So I lay there wallowing in the unfairness of it all and the dog licks away my tears.  I would like to think it's because he knows I am miserable and upset but the reality is the poor little thing is absolutely busting for a pee and probably a poo and  I realise I must get my fat ass into the shower and get on with the day.

Shower done, hair dried, throw the clothes on and off Rocky and me go for our morning constitutional down to Mumsy's!

Mam's neighbour Kenny is clearing the leaves from his garden and greets me with "Good morning Christine, how are you?"

"I'm fine", I reply but I want to scream at him that I'm not OK and my world is crashing down around my  ears.  And then he asks, "How's Gordy?"

"Well how do you think he is you bloody numpty", I think to myself but again I answer "He's fine".  But he's not fine - he's dying!  And then poor Kenny askes, "How's your Mam doing?"

"She's falling apart but pretends she's coping", I think to myself but again I answer, "She's fine".

I know people ask out of kindness and because they care but there are times when I just want to scream at them.  I never do because I know how difficult it is to even pluck up the courage to speak to us.  Some people can't and I've seen people avoid us in the local supermarket because they just don't know what to say.  Having said that I've avoided people in the local supermarket because I haven't wanted to talk to anyone.  I've got to the stage where I go late at night in the hope that I don't bump into someone I know.  How sad am I?

Mumsy is in the bath and Gordy is still in bed so I feed Rocky and we take our leave as I have more fruit cakes to get baked.

Off we walk back to mine.  It's a bit of a blustery day which kind of blows the cobwebs away.

Cakes are now baking and the comforting smell of baking fruit cake is slowly wafting around my little flat.

Time to strip the bed I think.

Have a nice day everyone and I hope the PTBs smile on you all today.

Much love,

Chrissie xxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Chrissie, you are not sad. We all have the avoiders and the ones we avoid.

    I think it does all our heads in that one. I tended to keep put ting my foot in it and get the tumbleweed moments of sliencing a room... I soon learnt to say fine. Say fine, when you inwardly mean arrggghhh and then come here and tell us. We understand. Someone wrote what 'fine' stood for somewhere on here, but I can't remember now. You know.. F***ing I.... , N...  Emotional type thing, but with proper words.

    Big big hug to you and I think dogs do know, even if they do need a pee as well :)

    I say eat that cake now. Sod Christmas.

    Little My xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi LM

    The cakes are not for me.  I have 7 orders for decorated fruit cakes and 10 orders for decorated sponge cakes - for Christmas.  Will probably start making the models and stuff for them at the beginning of November.

    To be really honest I get sick of the sight of cake - now that's sad I know!  The only cake I really enjoy is my frosted lemon or frosted lime cake.  Really simple cakes drizzled with lime or lemon juice and a gorgeous mascarpone filling also flavoured with lime or lemon juice.  Absolutely delish!

    And I will continue to say fine while inwardly screaming at most people who ask.  Having said that I do have some lovely friends who let me scream it all out, give me a hug, a cup of fresh coffee and a fresh cream donut and then all is right with the world again!

    How's you and your sausages today LM?  Hope you haven't been frying yourself on light fittings.

    Much love,

    Chrissie xxxx