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My name is Claire and I have never blogged about my cancer experience before...

I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in July 2009, a few months after my 30th birthday and well, as anyone who has been through this will know, it was a shock (to put it mildly!).  Since then, I have had 4 surgeries (3 of which were debulking) and I am currently having my third round of chemo (in my case each round consists of 6 cycles of chemo lasting 3 weeks each). 

In 2010 my consultants told me the cancer was now officially incurable and it was just a question of buying me time (they were talking 3 to 6 months).  One year and a half later, I am still here and loving life, for however long it lasts.  Each day is precious as far as I'm concerned, the goods and the bads...

I still tried to get back my old life after round 1 of chemo, but I have now realised and accepted that my life has been changed by cancer forever.  The surprising thing though is that I can honestly say that I am happier now than I was for the first 30 years of my life.  Don't get me wrong, cancer is not my friend and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but it has given me the opportunity to learn what makes me happy and understand better what I want from life. 

I used to always be busy doing things, socialising, seeing friends, travelling, working (a lot!) but because of the side effects of chemo, I have had to discover new hobbies to enable me to continue enjoying life without exhausting myself or going insane. 

This is what I would like to share with you, the tips and tricks that have made chemo more bearable for me, the activities which bring joy to my life and inspire me to keep going.  This sounds terribly arrogant, but over the last 3 years, I have come across so many "non cancer affected people" who have found these new hobbies inspiring that part of me can't help thinking I should share this with the people who are going through the cancer treatment like I am, in the hope that maybe one of my tips might bring some joy to your day or a smile on your face.  Even if it is just for a few seconds, it will be worth it...

  • FormerMember
    What a lovely read....please share you new hobbies. While off work I will be starting craft again, if anything to save me from insanity x
  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for your fantastic comments, I'm finding it very inspiring and encouraging as it is the first time I have written publicly.  Your support means a lot :) I still haven't worked out how to respond to comments individually though so it will have to be a group response for the moment!

    Skydiving! that sounds great, did he already know how to do it pre chemo? I once tried to attend a yoga class where I was told I could only attend if the teacher was "cancer insured", so I never even thought about sky diving... I think I will add to the list of things I want to do (as a kid I did dream of doing a skydive jump with a snowboard attached to my feet and landing in the snow as I used to be a snowboarder....) - how exciting!

    I have found crafty activities really helpful as I can have a go at my own speed and according to energy levels, but it is a real discovery as I never did art stuff at school so I have zero knowledge.  I am going to check if there is an arts blog on this online community, it seems quite a few people are interested and maybe we could share tips? The other day I tried painting using materials a friend had lent me and only realised at the end that I had mixed acrylics and oils + some weird whitish stuff.  The results were a bit odd but I had fun!

  • FormerMember

    Clair,a very interesting read..

    I have liver cancer and been told that because of the amount of lesions,there is no treatmant for me. Im luck in so far as ive been told it could be months or if slow growing i couold have a few years left. aia hve decided that i must go out and get some acytivities done and your post has encouraged me to do so.
