Finding the joy to keep fighting

  • Keeping sane!


    Another steroid fuelled evening.... yes it is 2:30am... ridiculous! I will definitely be sleeping for 3 days once the steroids wear off! Apparently some people have no problems with steroids and feel no side effects, I am clearly not one of them.... and to be honest, I’ve yet to meet someone who tells me the steroids have no effect on them whatsoever, but I’m sure that lucky person is out there having a fantastic night…

  • Overcoming post surgery boredom!


    After a steroid-fuelled weekend and a day of post-steroid craziness I’m ready for my second blog, very exciting! (Is it just me or does anyone else get weird post-steroid “sensorial hallucinations”? – yesterday it felt like I was being crushed by gigantic rocks!)

    When I was first diagnosed, everything turned into a bit of a whirlwind as it all started with emergency surgery and I didn’t have any…

  • New to blogging...



    My name is Claire and I have never blogged about my cancer experience before...

    I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in July 2009, a few months after my 30th birthday and well, as anyone who has been through this will know, it was a shock (to put it mildly!).  Since then, I have had 4 surgeries (3 of which were debulking) and I am currently having my third round of chemo (in my case each round consists of 6 cycles…