Fighting the enemy

  • Is this it?


    Mum has taken a turn for the worse, I really thought the radio treatment had helped as she was regaining the feeling in her right hand. But no now her left hand has a mind of its own knocking things over. She fell twice yesterday and looks like she's done 3 rounds with mike Tyson! So she's now confined to bed it was heart breaking when she looked at me and said is this the end? I lied to her and said no you will fight…

  • Not a good night


    Mum had a visit from the pallative care nurse who was  asking where she would like to be when her time comes to die.... it all seems to have become real. Iv'e not slept so god knows how mum is feeling. :o(

    Can anyone tell me how they coped?

  • My Mum's fight with the enemy


     June 2010 was the day that changed my life as I have always known it forever when I heard the consultant say to my mum It's lung cancer. My mum was so brave and dignified in her manner and just said ok thats fine at least I know what I'm fighting. Personally I was in bits when I walked out of the consultants office I couldn't speak. Not the best thing I know for my Mum, I will always regret that I wasn't strong for her…