Ready for work or not ?

2 minute read time.

I really want to pour my heart out on this one as i have had an awful couple of days but at the same time i know that is not fair on anyone who wants to look at this i just feel i need to write it down as it might make more sense.

All i can say is that last night i feel like i had an emotional melt down and i am not really sure where it came from but i know one thing i never want to be like that again. My poor hubbie wasat  the receiving end of it and he had done nothing wrong. It has been a few months of worry and emotional turmoil and other stresses as well that have all added up to me feeling like i was the one trying to keep things in order when all i really wanted was for someone to take some of the responsibilty of everything else of my shoulders and look after me not me looking after everyone else emotionally and financially.

The one thing i have also realised is that i am possibly having side effects from coming of the tramadol, ive been on it since july and have been having cold sweats aching bones stomach ache and dizzy spells and maybe i should now add raging anger and yet it is so not like me, i scared myself last night and now cant sleep. Hubbie and i hardly ever argue as neither of us can bear the awkward silence after so god knows how we will feel in the morning.

So i am supposed to be going back to work today but now i ask myself am i really ready emotionally let alone physically, has last night shown me that i need to comfort myself for a little longer or am i putting of the inevitable. Company pay is coming to an end but i do have some holiday which i could take and give me a few weeks grace.

I am just so confused i know i cant just forget the last few months and still waiting on biopsy results but i am optomistic that they will be fine and that once my surgury heals i will be over the worst. Its just how do you know you are ready togo back to work last night showed me maybe not or do i just get on with it, im so tired its awfull how this disease effects you emotionally and in my case more so than phsycially my heart goeas out to those of you who have it so much worse than i do and also makes me feel so guilty about how i feel. I said to a friend on saturday i wish i could give myself a kick and get some enthusiasm and energy back into my life. Dont get me wrong its not all doom and gloom i do have good days and moments that i enjoy.

Well i have a couple of hours to make up my mind but i think i might call the gp and see if i can get some councilling and think about work another day, and yet then i feel guilty about letting my manager down at the last minute but then i dont want to go in all down, people will expect me to be my old happy funny scatty self..............

Oh well , time for a cup of tea and if you have read this i am sorry and yet thank you for taking the time, hopefully i will be back to normal soon xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Annette,

    The emotional turmoil of having to deal with the disease, the treatments, after effects of an op, and the medication issues is enough to drive the most mild mannered person insane. I guess most of us will have been where you were to a lesser or greater extent, but what I would say is you are still in control because you have been able to express your feelings and concerns very clearly.

    Going back to work, hmmm that's a tough one, think I went back to early (from a physical point of view) but I guess at the end of the day we have to decide ourself. All I would say, if I was in your position, I don't think I would go back in work today after your bad event yesterday. Just see how you get on today and if you don't go back to work until next week it really won't matter will it?

    Big hugs and hoping you have a better day today.

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Annette,

    Going back to work is always frightening after you have been away a while - and well, waiting for results - we all know that one!  Absolutely makes one afraid.  We all heal at different rates.

    No doubt by now you will have put your arms around each other and last night will be a thing of the past x  You are no doubt both scared underneath - and it is bound to come to the surface like a volcano every now and then.  

    You say you have come off Tramadol - I am wondering if you came off it yourself and whether it was reduced gradually as instructed by the doctor.  See how you feel and take it from there.  When you have had surgery it takes time to feel like a spring chicken again.

    Feel I would of phoned up my boss and explained and see what he suggests.  Perhaps just go back for a couple hours as starters.

    Big hugs,

    Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lil Sis,

    Sneaked on at work cos had to say hi to you. You know I felt the same, including the big row etc... as I said to you before, all perfectly normal and don't feel bad for letting off steam We all do it (I certainly do). My emotions were all over the place and I lost all my confidence etc for a while, but it is slowly coming back when I dare to try things. I look back at some of my early blogs now and think I can't believe I was so worried about such trivial things! But I was and so will you.

    I was terrified of going back to work, but it was ok once I got there and as long as you only do a little and phased in slowly, I would suggest you go in and see people and have a little go. It has helped me be a little distracted from the cancer and results and all that and it does help to feel a bit useful and have a bit of 'normality' in your life. Go for a couple of hours if you feel up to it. You might want to wait till the tramadol effects have worn off though or that could be funny...

    Anyway, can't say too much now cos I am meant to be working (!) but biggest biggest hug to my little sister and you are an absolute star and coping amazingly well

    Lots of love to you

    Little My (Big Sis)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Annette,

    I go along with what Solent lady said 100%. Especially where the Tramadol is concerned. All the best and good luck. Things will work them selves out.  The waiting would drive anyone up the wall.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hi annette. i had 6 sessions of chemo for bowel and liver cancer and finished the course in may. ive been on a phased return to work ever since. my doc thought i'd gone back too soon and that proved the case but the work have been fabulous and i started again - just half days building up time as i go but leaving when the tirdness kicks in. my results were good and although i still have the cancer and it will return i'm positive - even when i feel sick and want to cry. your body will tell you what to do. good luck xxxxx