Love really makes the world go round.

3 minute read time.

Its been such a busy couple of weeks, trying ( being the operative word) to go back to work and failing miserably. I was in a few days and then have been off again for the last couple of weeks.

Whilst i was at work we held our Mac coffee morning and raised about £350 we had the local mayor with her big shiney necklace lol help us out and she even stood outside the office beckoning people in she even bought some raffle tickets. We were lucky enough to have several prizes donated by local business men and women and some of the shops too. It was quite funny when she came back after the weekend to do the draw and she won a prize, she really was lovely and we had a long chat about the state of the referral system in our area.

Then came the trip that i have been waiting for .... flying to corfu to visit my daughters who i hadnt seen for a year. it was such an emotional trip hubbie met them for the first time and they adore each other. we made the most of every moment . The only downside was the hotel but who cares. I wont say much else on that as its still very raw that i have left them behind yet again but plans are that they move back here with me once the finish school when thier father cant stop them anymore....the countdown has started and i have to say i never thought the time would come. My eldest bought me a beautiful silver necklace with four separate hearts it blew me away that she had saved her money to buy that for me, i am such a lucky mummy .

I did see my ex inlaws who were very emotional, funny how a diagnosis can turn the strongest person to an emotional wreck and all past issues forgotten. As my title says love is what makes this world a wonderful place to be in , the love of my family and friends old and new will always give me the strength to fight another day. Life is too short for disputes and it made me sad to see what has happened here the last few days.The one thing we should all remember is that text is so unemotive and never comes across the way we wish and every now and then things like this happen and can happen to anyone, the most loving person can sound awful to one person and loving to someone else it is how we read it and it will happen on ANY site. Enough said i love everyone and havent the energy to say anything else.

feeling a bit tired and emotionally drained. I found this trip very hard and didnt have the energy to do as much as i wanted. I have been to a new doctors day to pick up forms to join. I saw a friend today who is a nurse and when i mentioned symtoms she was almost pushing me to the doctors. Ive been getting really bad dizzy spells and pain under my ribs and lower right side, i look very pale and have done for a few weeks and my GP just listened to my chest when i explained it to her, she makes me feel like a hypochondriac and yet these are the ones that made me wait 14 weeks for a referral for my cancer diagnosis lol says it all really. Havent said too much to hubbie but he has noticed the change and is worried. so time to get forms filled out and appointment at the new doctors asap.

sorry if this is a little disjointed, in pain and not comfy but wanted to say hello to eveyrone

Love and hugs to all xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi my lovely Little sis... I missed you and was hoping so much that the trip would go well and hubby and girls would get on etc. so glad that they might be coming to stay with you soon... don't know all the ins and outs, but am a mum and miss my son. Nuff said.

    Good for you going to see the doc and getting it sorted. I am just randomly picking drs at my practice now till I find one I like, which I think i have now. Let me know how you get on. I hope it is something and nothing.

    I liked what you wrote. You put it so well. Me too.

    Love you and lovely to hear from you too and really hope I get to meet you for real in February!

    Biggest hug little sis

    Little My xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Annette

    Glad that you had a lovely trip with daughters and hubby. Bad hotel, we'll try to push to the back of the mind.

    Good luck with your new doctor. I'm lucky in that all the ones at my practice are very familiar with my case, and very good when I go. Unfortunately hubby's parents had a really bad one (single doc practice) and they refused to move because "He treated the family and was always very smart" We even said that that could have been said about Shipman, but they would not be moved. His father died last year, and only when his mother was left without painkillers and in terrible pain did she finally move. She cannot believe that she has had 2 visits at home, one from a doctor and one from a nurse to offer help, in the last month!

    Yes, life is too short for unpleasantness of any kind. Hopefully Sunny will find her way back to us.

    Well done for the fundraising! Yeah! Hopefully we can get that table sorted between us. Haven't mentioned anything to hubby yet.....seem to be organising lots of days away before Christmas, with and without him. On this occasion I'm with LM as this is my secret/more naughty persona, although I occasionally talk about being on this site, so would come alone.

    Hope you are going to see about time off work as it sounds as if you really need to rest your body.......and are you not suffering chemo brain as well??? (All sensible thoughts go AWOL)

    Big hug and love to you both


  • FormerMember

    Oh, can I blame chemo brain on having no sensible thoughts too? Stinker, first it was parenting skills now this... what else don't I know??? I do hope we all can come to the ball cos I want to meet you both

    Big hug and love to you  both too. xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Annette

    So nice that your trip went well and I'll bet you can't wait to have your children with you.

    I hope you get your new doc sorted soon.  It's not right to get treated badly and you deserve better.

    Much love,

    Chrissie xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Annette,

    Yippee on having a lovely trip and the fact that everyone got on together and what a lovely gift from your daughter, you'll treasure it always.  I have a few pieces of jewellery from my son and daughter when they were young and even now i wear them with pride and they make me go all mushy with emotion.

    Yep, get sorted at your new docs asap 'cos it'll only niggle at you.  I too had bad gp experiences before diagnosis, it sort of breaks your trust with them, but needs must and all that.

    Take care

    love Jan x