Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th May

2 minute read time.

Nil by mouth throughout the night, and during the morning, Dal was taken for an endoscopy early afternoon, he was offered a throat spray or a sedative, he chose the sedative due the continued pain he was experiencing. The sedative was administered through the cannular which had been placed in his arm the day before, after which they placed a tube down his throat with a small camera on it. He found this the most uncomfortable of all his experiences, even with the sedative it was extremely painful, mainly due to the need to force the camera through the blockage in his oesophagus. Having no track of time, he can't recall how long the procedure took, mainly due to being informed by the clinical nurse specialist that he had a small growth in his esophageal tube, that without the tests coming back he could not confirm, but having seen this type of tumour before, he believed it was malignant.

With the information available at this time, from the endoscopy and the Xray on Monday night, it looked as if this small tumour had been caught in time and would be operable. Armed with this information Dal was taken back to the ward, before being taken down again for an MRI scan. 

The MRI  = He called that the big vibrating donut! It gave the sensation of floating (in his case) and as the dye had been injected through the cannular he found he experienced a burning sensation as it travelled through his arm. Trying to recall, he thinks he went in and out of the MRI scan three times. 

After this he went back to the ward and was finally given something to eat around 5.30pm, he managed to have soup and a high protein drink, along with another pill and an injection in his stomach. (He was never advised what that was for, the suggestion is, it was to stop him being sick?) 

Alone, No support or visitors due to Covid19, how terrible must that have been for him.... this was all that was going through my mind... at times like this, people should not have to be alone.. Disappointed

Fast forwards to Wednesday, a morning of waiting to be allowed to go home, waiting and waiting, until finally being told by another practitioner that they had found a tumour, they needed to wait for the biopsy results to come back, but they pretty much knew what it was, already booking a Multi disciplinary team meeting in time for the results coming back - hopefully by the following Tuesday. They had requested this to be fast tracked as often it would take two or more weeks for some results to be available.  

The next piece of information Dal received was totally unexpected - He had tested positive for Covid19, he could go home, and the whole household had to self-isolate for 14 days.  
