Preparing for Chemotherapy

2 minute read time.

With the Covid19 positive test, the preparations for chemotherapy could be hindered, Dal had to have another Corona-virus test,  He was registered with one of the London Cancer Hospitals and thankfully they were prepared to meet him immediately, an appointment was made for the following day May 14th -  in an isolated room Dal was met by his specialist team, he had to sign all the consent forms, after having a further explanation of what was going to happen, He had bloods taken and his 2nd Covid test and a following appointment was made for Wednesday the 20th, this would be to have the pic line inserted with a view to start Chemo on Thursday the 21st.

All this time Dal has had to go through this alone, he is not allowed anyone with him. We have always done everything together and it is the hardest thing to not be able to support him through this. 

On Monday 18th May during a telephone call to the UGI Clinical Nurse Dal was advised that his Covid test had come back negative, we were good to go. He was to start taking his steroids on Wednesday Morning before coming to the hospital for the pic line and later assessment appointments. Things were moving fast and in a positive way. 

On the morning of the 20th, Dal took the Steroids as directed and started to prepare himself for the journey to the hospital, when he received another phone call, he needed yet another Covid19 test to be carried out, he would not be having chemo on the Thursday after-all. Another phone call, this time asking him to come in earlier to facilitate the test before the pic line appointment.  Another phone call, this time to do an over the phone assessment instead of the one booked in for the afternoon. 

Friday had been set as the Chemo date, 10am; but at 5pm on Thursday he received another phone call; don't come to the hospital until we call you, no tests results are back yet.  This was a really stressful experience for both of us, Dal, for a moment lost his positive, focused self, he had been hit hard. Concerned the chemo would be cancelled, the bank holiday weekend could delay it further still, emotions were running high and we had no idea what was going to happen next. 

10.30am Friday Morning  -  Come in, 3rd Covid19 test Negative...... Chemo will go ahead today.  Come Alone!
