June 2023 over three years since original diagnosis

1 minute read time.

If you have never been in this position, it is truly difficult to get your head around the miracle that is Dal,  created by the outstanding work of our NHS, Cancer Research Teams and sheer determination. 

It was May 2020 when we had our lives targeted by a horrible diagnosis and a life-limiting prognosis, of between 4 and 12 months... a lot has happened in that time, an adventure that has led us down different paths, and which has seen my lovely man go from a perceived healthy individual, to a very poorly man, severe weight loss, treatment reactions, and fortnightly treatment , then unexpectedly, continuing, even now on fortnightly treatment and becoming, yet again, a perceived healthy man... Looking at him, If you didn't know, you wouldn't know.. 

We know, things could change at any time, but for now, we keep our fingers crossed, we continue to do our own therapies to ensure we give Dal the best possible chance. 

I would just like to Thank Everyone involved with this journey we are on...   Things could have been very different, and we are Very Blessed. 

Good Luck to all you guys out there on your own journey's, We wish you every success. 


  • Very interesting. My husband has recently been diagnosed with advanced oesophagus cancer with secondaries in lungs and liver.  He has not beenbgiven a good prognosis. He has had a stent fitted in oesophagus to help with swallowing and just started Chemo sessions every 3 weeks with chemo tablets to take between sessions. He was told this treatment method has been chosen as biopsies show he is not suitable for other treatment. Would be interested to know how it was discovered that original tests for Dal showed not suitable for HER2 but this wrong. How was this discovered? 

  • Hello Wong 

    My thoughts are with you at this time, it is such a difficult road to travel down , I wish your husband every success. 

    We believe that it was the regular blood tests that highlighted the HER2,  initially we were told that Dal was not suitable, now we do not know if that we because he was so ill, that they didn't think he would respond as well as he did to the chemo, and once he did they looked further into the treatment available to him... We were told that without any doubt there was nothing that they could do, other than to make him comfortable for the duration of the time he had.  I do hope that the tests are regularly done for your husband so that they can determine as he travels on his journey treatment, the best options for him. 
