July Update ( May & June has been a bumpy road)

3 minute read time.

Hi all, 

Dal started on a trial back in March, I have added a link HERE to give you a bit more information on what it kind of involves.. it is a big read and mostly for professionals, but if you are like me, and interested in this type of thing, it can make a good afternoon read Slight smile

 Dal's treatment on April 12th went ahead, although his scan had been done on the 10th April, the full results of it had not been available, but the oncologist was not concerned, and over all April passed without any glitches, he even threw in a Covid Jab for good measure, and felt no side effects from that either. 

On May 1st we received the first real results since this treatment started, the scan had showed a reduction of the solitary left lateral liver deposits as well as a subjective decrease in the prominence of the primary gastro oesophageal tumour, no new lesions, therefore, at this stage Dal's condition is stable. They had however noticed some lung changes, and it was this that they would now need to monitor,but he could go ahead with his treatment a few days later.   The following weekend we have a short Staycation, just to give us a break and Dal continued to feel well and positive about the treatment. 

An Echo-cardiogram a few weeks later followed a couple of days later by a CT Scan, a Triple ECG , bloods and Oncology meet...  all confirming treatment #5 could take place towards the end of May. This treatment seemed to go OK, 

Unfortunately whilst all of this was going on, Dal's Mum was diagnosed with a Basal Cell Carcinoma, which thankfully was quickly treated and removed, none-the-less, it doesn't stop the stresses that comes with new like that! 

Once again we decided on a last minute holiday, somewhere hot this time, so we took a flight and had a week away, but unfortunately Dal felt a little unwell for around 24 hours, in the middle of the week, nothing too serious we thought, just a bit of a cough and a migraine type headache (unusual for him) but it quickly went away, although the cough lingered a little longer.. on returning and attending the first June oncology meeting, we were advised that there was a concern regarding a growth in his lungs, something that was suspected to be Interstitial lung disease (ILD) and possibly pneumonitis - Treatment was now to be deferred whilst efforts were made to treat this infection... Many more bloods were taken for more tests to be carried out. 

One week on, another Oncology meeting, again, treatment deferred, high dose of corticosteroid treatment supplied, this is currently where we are....  the next phone meeting is tomorrow, the next scheduled scan is 24th July, until a clear result is provided, no further treatment is available.  There is a greater worry here, "What if the ILD does not clear? and, if it does, but comes back again at the next treatment, will that mean this Trial will be over for Dal, and if it is, then What?  We don't know the answer to these questions, and it is a worry... BUT we will continue to be as positive as possible, and we will continue with our own supplementary treatments whilst Dal is not receiving anything else.. we know that everything that can be done for him, is being done for him... and we cannot ask for more than that. 

I hope you are all keeping yourselves as well as you can, and if it is your loved one that You are looking after, that You are remembering to take some time for You too... every day is a blessing and we can only focus on having as many of them as we possibly can, as healthy as we can possibly be. 

Blessed Be and Thanks for reading. 

