January 2024 - OC on the move (Edited)(Again)

2 minute read time.

Since October last year, Dal has missed 3 immuno treatments, one each month, 1 planned and 2 unexpected...

October there were particles in one of the treatments, so it was unable to be given, and there was no back up supply available,  November, we had a holiday, which was planned and treatment would have to be missed to facilitate this, and then December, a strange scenario where Dal went and had his bloods done just after Xmas, and then when he went back a few days later for the immuno, he was told that there was no treatment for him on that day.  I suppose then it is no surprise that after his most recent Scan he received a phone call from the Oncologist to tell him that the tumour in the gullet has shown small signs of increase. 

There have been a couple of meals in the lead up to this, where Dal had some difficulty with food getting stuck, and I had a feeling something was not quite right, his skin looked a little off colour and it had been so long since he had any of these types of issues.  We are waiting on a PET scan, which we think will be in the coming week, and then we will have more information to go on.  Overall, right now, Dal is still doing well, his eating has been back to normal, and this hopefully is just a short hiccup based on too many missed treatment opportunities. 

What it does do of course, is makes us realise how dependant Dal is on this treatment, how vicious this tumour still is and how quickly it will find a way of causing more damage if left to its own devices. 

We will keep you updated, but hopefully, Dal will reach the 4 years since diagnosis, in May, without any real problems going forwards. 


edit 26.01.24  Dal had the PET scan yesterday, went in to the hospital today for his normal treatment cycle, but there was no medication for him, apparently no prescription for him down at the pharmacist, so here we have another month with a missing treatment, which is quite frightening considering we have been told the OC is on the move.. just have to get through the weekend, then we will have the results on Monday.   

2nd Edit  =  31.01.24  Unfortunately it is official, we were told on Monday the treatment Dal was on has stopped working, we were advise that it was always going to happen, and so far, Dal has done absolutely fantastic... we are still in the realms of "if you didn't know, you wouldn't know" but we are not going to know how long he is going to be like this...  What we do know is that there are options open to him, Trials, and if not suitable, Chemo, so we are waiting to see what is going to happen next... We will continue putting out the positive vibes and believing in the every changing ever improving treatments that are available for this disease...  We know he has done well, we knew his time was gifted, and we have been blessed, but it still makes me extremely sad to hear, that after all that he has been through, after the positives he has experienced, this is where he is again, back in limbo, not 100% sure of what is next..  We continue to live in hope.. and may whatever that treatment is, start as soon as possible     

Lowe' Pensive
