Heading into the New Year Continued

1 minute read time.

Yesterday was a difficult food day for Dal, it hits home as a reminder of what he is going through, and it is frightening.  Due to food getting stuck and taking quite a while for him to be able to clear it, he ended up not eating.... and he hates me fussing..

We still hadn't heard about a date for the scan, so this morning Dal phoned his chemo nurse, she moved swiftly and within minutes the right department was on the phone trying to arrange a suitable time and date...Dal was offered today, unfortunately as he is able to work two days a week from home, this is his last day of work for 2020, so there is no way that he could get to the hospital...I think I am impatient .. think I would have preferred to drive him to the hospital but, he is in control, he remains calm and focused.

So Scan is booked for Tuesday, same day as his next blood test, not sure whether the results will be available for the call with his oncologist in the afternoon, but here's hoping they are.

It's really tough sometimes hiding my emotions when he is so contained. it's good to be able to put it out here ...
