February Already! Dal's Journey continues

1 minute read time.

I just wanted to drop in, it is important for me to remind myself why I started this blog and why writing something down every now and then ensures that as the weeks and months pass, something holds for me all the smaller memories that slip aside to make room for other things

Dal continues on his Herceptin Maintenance treatment, bloods every other week, and then treatment a few days later.  

Oncologist is very happy with where Dal is at present, there have been no major changes to his statistics being on the Herceptin only and this gives us hope.. it is such a positve thing. 

Dal continue to grow his hair and his beard, continues to work from home part time and continues with his holistic healing in between. 

We have booked a holiday and look forward to getting the Tent out again a few weekends throughout the year. We will continue our crystal healing, singing bowls and sound therapy and do everything else we can to encourage Dal's body to keep fighting back. We know how lucky we are, we remember those we have met via this website that were not as lucky and we will never forget that, we will do all we can to afford our lives the best we can give ourselves whilst we can give it to ourselves and I truly hope that you guys will do the same. 

Stay Strong. 

