End of August Update

Less than one minute read time.

Everything had been going along well, no real news to mention, until Wednesday when Dal received a call from his Oncologist. 

We are going away camping again and on this occasion it means Dal would not be having his treatment this week, the call from the oncologist was just a check in call, which led to a little bit of panic.

If you have been reading our blog from the beginning you will know that last October Dal has some kind or inflammation / infection in his lungs for which he went into hospital for a biopsy, but before they could do the surgery they found that the image they had seen previously on the scan had gone?   Well, now it is back, again they are not sure what it is, and antibiotics have been given to begin with,  Dal will have a scan on 16th September and we will see what that has to to tell us. 

So, with that information in the back of our minds ,we go off on our travels to make more memories, 

Fingers crossed
