As 2022 closes - an update

1 minute read time.

I truly do not know where the time goes, it has been ages since my last update, yet it doesn't seem it was too long ago at all. 

Dal managed to shake off the cough eventually and has continued to grow his hair and beard, things have been going well.  About a month ago he went for his normal chemo treatment and was told by the duty staff that they were not giving the "Chemo" this time, just the Herceptin, we had not been advised of this prior and for about a week we were talking back and forwards as to why this is and how long that would last! the nurse looking after him confirmed that there was to be at least 2 treatments of this kind, and then we would get to speak with Dal's Oncologist. 

The phone call came a few days before Xmas and the Oncologist advised that the treatment had been changed, jokingly saying  "I am sure you must have noticed" it was confirmed that this was going to be the way forwards for a while, After over 60+ chemotherapy treatments they are going onto a maintenance regime which they hope will give Dal a bit more freedom, quicker treatment and less visits to the hosptial.  Still no mention of ever being able to have surgery, but high praise on how well Dal has done managing the treatment and getting this far along. 

It is, I am sure you can imagine, a fantastic piece of news, it gives us hope that there are indeed many more tomorrow's , more time to explore life and do things together, more time to give thanks that the research into this type of cancer has enabled us to prove the previous statistics wrong. 

I hope that others who get this diagnosis are also among those who are able to fight back and continue forward with a new found lease of life. 

Wishing you all the very best for 2023 

