Why do we find new things from being cc'd??

2 minute read time.

Ok, so we have had appointments with consultants and specialists etc. but the lung specialist decided to write to dad's doctor and copied us in.  There it is in black and white.  Bowel CANCER, lung CANCER, liver mets blah blah blah, ok hard to swallow but we got over that.  Today we've been cc'd again and this time it talks about the chemotherapy he's about to receive, ok and the radiotherapy for his bone mets, no one has ever mentioned radiotherapy to us!  And it also gives a grading on the lung cancer too, has no-one thought to tell us this????  Is this normal??

We went out for dinner tonight, a couple of drinks and nice food before 'everything changes' my earlier blog.... so dad says his incapacity benefit application has been accepted and it's been increased due to him needing a carer.  He says he feels fraudulent, he's ok, mum said it seems odd that he needs that, will he get that bad.  I replied yes he probably will, dad probably won't get over this mum, then mum cries, she thought he would just be ok in the end....

So they moved to Spain, after owning a property for 7 years, dad's business folded 2 years ago so why the hell not right???  Rented out their property, 6 month lease ending on 23rd August.  All ok right???  I rang the agent to say we will not be renewing the lease, conversations about legally 2 months notice, push to September, talking to tenant, 70 year old waiting for a heart bypass, eek, says his operation is mid September and they haven't found anywhere they like so it'll be mid December before they can move!!  So dad is upset and mum cries more.  Geez when does a tenant have a right to say WHEN they are ready to move out????  I explained that them staying beyond the 2 months notice is NOT an option (they know dad's situation) but clearly they do not care.  I am sympathetic to their situation but dad is more important, what do I do???  Dad's 6 cycles of chemo takes him to November IF he makes them all, so where does that leave them, living in my spare room with no kitchen cupboard space for their things, no wardrobe space, living out of a suitcase.  OMG how do we all cope with this. Nothing is ever easy but this is just taking the P I FF.  I mean a bowel cancer, bummer, and lung, OMG, not getting back in their home bleeping priceless. If Carlsberg could do screw ups.......


  • FormerMember

    Another day, another disaster...  That's what it feels like some times.  You and yours have my sympathy, I'm desperately trying to find somewhere a bit more compatible with lung cancer than my current top-floor flat!  

    Apart from that,you couldn't swing a goldfish in any of the rooms (never mind my cat), and it's raining through the ceiling, and I struggle to carry any shopping up the stairs, blah blah blah.  

    Enough about me. The fact that your dad's tenant is ill isn't his fault.  So is he, it's his flat and lung cancer trumps a bypass!  The fact that they're planning RT as well as chemo is a good thing surely?  It should help with pain management.

    About the staging, there's a whole section on this site, under cancer, type, staging.  It describes how it works and how they use it to plan treatment.  I'm stage 3B, leaning heavily towards stage 4 and I've been told I'm terminal.  Because I'm only getting palliative chemo, up here they only offer 4 cycles, and they do a scan before they do the 3rd one, to check whether it's actually having any effect.  If it's not, they'll just stop it.  I'd imagine your dad's Onc will take roughly the same approach, as there's no point having it if it's not going to work and it just makes you feel sicker.  Besides, I think there are other things they can try.  Response is an individual thing and he may well come through it all well.  That's what I'm hoping anyway and I'm scared silly by the thought of it!

    LIke you I had my last 'normal' night out tonight.  You can read the edited highlights in my response to Little My's latest 'stream of consciousness'  It does feel good to do nornal things, and you can't beat spending time with family and friends for making you feel better.  I bet it did your dad the world of good too.  Seriously though, don't let him allow himself to be bullied into accomodating his tenant at the expense of his own health.  Stress and cancer are a miserable combination, and apart from the effect it would have on him, your life would be made miserable too, and you'll have enough to do supporting your mum and dad through all this.

    Be strong, you're certainly doing all you can.

    Love to you and yours, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    His staging is TxN3MIb does anyone know what that means??

  • FormerMember

    Check on the site as I explained above, and ask the Onc, but it sounds to me, from what little I know, that overall it's stage 4.  Don't panic at that, it doesn't really tell you very much.  Just where he is now, not where he will be after treatment and in in 6 months time.  There are people on here that have stayed at stage 4 for years and have a pretty good quality of life.  That's how I'm looking at it.  Hope it helps.

    Love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    You think things can't get any worse and then bam it hits you between the eyes. Ditto what Ann says... take it day be day. Don't be bullied by said tennant - your folks need their home so tennant needs to get out - priority is your folks not the old geeza that needs the bypass - sounds dreadful I know but needs must. I get so baffled by all the information, I have actually given up....well kind off.. still try and make head or tail of things but in the end all that matters is that Dad gets the treatment he needs. You/family being their really does help. We are here whenever you need to rant, need a shoulder to cry on. Peanut (Carol)x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Ann and Carol, things just keep getting worse, if it was only the cancer we had to worry about it would be so much better.

    Radiotherpay is another positive Ann definitely, no idea where they're going to aim it at then, I'm going to go with mum and dad later and when he has his chemo, I'm going to find someone to have a chat about things because I still dont' think we know everything.

    Thanks girlies xx