Everything changes from tomorrow....

1 minute read time.

Hi all,

My first blog posted but just wanted to relay my fears and get some support...

My dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer on 29th June 2011, had a CT scan the next day, results are there is mets in the liver and a problem with his left lung.  Saw the lung specialist who organised a lung biopsy, got the results.  Dad has a primary SCLC with mets in the liver and bone.  Starts chemo tomorrow for the lung, they are leaving the bowel, why because it's not worth it??  The priority is the lung which will kill him within weeks, they can stent the bowel if necessary but would rather leave it for now....

Since the original diagnosis (which we've since had a warped laugh at ourselves for being upset over that knowing what was to come, I mean IF he only had a contained bowel cancer it really would be easy right) anyway, the waiting has been hard, getting an actual full diagnosis has been hard and getting a treatment plan has been hard, but now I want to go back, freeze time because during that time dad has been dad, he's been fit and well and we've done lots of things together (mainly walks to the pub but hey, who i am to argue and not participate??)  anyway from tomorrow everything will change, dad HAS got CANCER.  It IS real, and it is going to change his life, our lives,  forever.

Molly xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi MollyB

    What can I say that you don't already know, or haven't heard from others?  Absolutely nothing!

    It is hard.  You should enjoy whatever time you have together.  As far as possible, try and live in the moment, otherwise, the 'what if's' will drag you down.  You will cope, and I'm sure your dad feels so much stronger for having your support.  Being there for him is the biggest thing, and you're already doing that.

    Hang on to your sense of humour, it will get you through a lot.

    Love to you and yours

    Ann x