Dad's second oncologist appointment post chemo...

2 minute read time.

We saw the oncologist today following dad's second chemo for SCLC, he's had a tough cycle and spent the majority of it in bed.  Problems with his bowels (he also has a primary bowel cancer) and fatigue, weight loss etc. but the first appointment shown a reduction in the lung tumor so it was all good news.

This time however there is no change in the lung tumor, he said it is hard to see on an xray because it is hidden behind the heart, major blood vessels etc. but he said it was 'as expected'.  Blood test results all fine for chemo to go ahead on Thursday.  Because of the bowel problems dad has been having, he was unsure whether that was to do with the bowel tumor or the chemo side effects, so offered dad some different laxatives or reduce the chemo.  Dad asked for reassurance that it's working then he will continue with the same dose.  The Onc said that he is 'as expected' at this stage and said he expected the CT scan results to show improvements so dad said he would take the higher dose again this time.

He's had some problems with his back over the last day or so, maybe it's sleeping in his own bed at home again or something else, as he does have spread to the bone we have to keep an eye on that and let the Onc know if the pain gets any worse.  His CT scan will be of chest and well into the pelvis, dad took this to mean he is worried/hiding something from him and I said that he said his main concern was his bowel so he is reacting to that and saying the CT scan will show us if there is a blockage or worse, so it is a positive step. 

So all in all dad is a little down again, finally home but continues to feel poorly, drained, unsteady on his feet.  Only 3 weeks ago he was walking to the pub for a pint, now he struggled to walk from the car to the hospital.  it's all happening too quickly, he just needs a few days of feeling normal to get his confidence back that he's heading in the right direction.

Now they're home he has no distractions, no noise, can sleep all he wants but I think knowing I was coming in from work, or getting up etc. gave him some structure to his day, a reason to make an effort to sit up and smile.  He also needs to pile on some weight as well, oh to be given the all clear to pig out....!!

So we move forward again, I think the whole appointment was positive, they are continuing, they are expecting an improvement, it doesn't really get better than that at this stage does it?? xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks everyone xxx, he remains very down today, I've booked tomorrow off work to spend some time with him and I'll go with him for his chemo a 1pm.  I'm off to London on Friday afternoon for my charity ride and I know he is really excited about that, so hopefully my tales of an awful night's cycling in the rain will make him laugh (I know I'm not very optimistic when it comes to the British weather or my ability to cycling through the night!).

    Thank you everyone, your messages really keep us going, love you all xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oooooh you brave girl... good luck!!! and wear a high visibility vest thing won't you... worry, worry aunite my type comments.. and here's some chocolate to keep you going... and brandy for when you finish...

    Dad will love to see the pics and hear the tales..

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Keep strong sweety, being positive is the only way I manage to cope... am thinking of you and am so glad it is you riding the bike and not me!! Good luck for Friday. Sending lots of hugs and strength. Peanutx

  • FormerMember

    Keep strong and postive, it is the only thing that keeps me glad it is you on the bike and not me....good luck for Friday. Sending you lots of love and strength. Peanutxx PS if you receive this more than once, apologies, but these things seem to just disappear!! xx

  • FormerMember

    I hope your dad is a little more positive today, i think it sounds like things are going ok. My dad has been down too although I think/hope he seems better at the moment.  I hope yo uhavbe had a nice day today and the bike ride goes well tomorrow. xx