The Joy of Life

2 minute read time.

We had a much loved, and now much missed, temporary house guest recently. Answering to the name of Meg, she liked to go walking whatever the weather, especially when the leaves were blowing. Most of the time Meg displayed human qualities, and indeed thinks that she is – but once a rubber pig or chicken was introduced she became a wild thing, as much a wild thing a Springer Spaniel can be. For those that have never had one, Springers embody a lust for life that maybe we should take note of…

Meg loves rubber chickens and pigs. And Naomi's hand.

I know that walking helps the pain in my hips and back, a result of the cancer’s spread to my bones. It doesn’t care where it goes, just as long as it can get somewhere, anywhere. Radiotherapy at different times has helped me regain back mobility – there have been moments when I couldn’t even get out of the car, wincing in pain; A far cry from the man that would walk happily in the Lakes for ten to twelve miles a day.

I can walk now, which is a blessing, a fact that I thank God and my doctor for. But there are days where I’m just happy to sit on the couch, feeling lethargic, devoid of energy. All symptoms that cancer sufferers are so familiar with, and I count myself lucky that the side effects of Tarceva are ‘relatively’ slight. 

But Meg indicated that sitting on the couch just isn’t allowed, that whatever the weather we must get out to enjoy the world, to take part whilst we still can. That even if the weather is cloudy and grey, like my spirit sometimes, that to see the world for all its beauty is to understand that life must be lived. So as we kicked leaves and walked amongst the swaying, dancing trees, looking down on the valleys of Dorset stretching to the sea I felt happiness in my heart. From the hill-tops to the sea, in the clouds, in the sun, we walked – Meg and I.

Meg, contented after a hard day chasing leaves

She has now gone home to her owner and I’ve gone back to being inside too much, but I try to remember the joy we both felt from the world out there. For to be in it is to experience the reason we’re here: Not things, objects, or possessions – for the beauty of life, however it may reach out and touch our hearts, is to be rich indeed.

For up to date information, photo's and more on my attempted climb of Mont Blanc next summer for charity please visit:

  • What you say is so true; dogs can bring such joy into our lives so it's a shame that  Meg was only a temporary visitor. Perhaps you could offer to 'dog-sit' for other people occasionally?

    I have two Flat-Coat Retrievers (big, black dogs which resemble a cross between a Setter and a Golden Retriever). My avatar is  a photograph of my dog Clyde as a puppy. Guess what name I've given to his twin sister?

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    I had a springer spaniel a few years ago - she wrecked the house, chewed 2 pairs of my mum's glasses to bits, chewed through the telephone wire, cutting us off completely, ripped our kitchen flooring to bits - I could go on.  She was with us from the age of 7 weeks old, until she died aged almost 16, and I've never known a more loving, faithful, funny dog.  I think all dogs are lovely, but springers are beautiful!  Jeanie x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you both for your comments, much appreciated.

  • FormerMember

    How very true!

    My little Jack Russell Gemma has been a godsend since John has been ill because I have to take her out, each and every day.  Sometimes it seems too much trouble but once we're out there and she's chasing her ball I find my spirits lifting.

    Dogs live for the moment, are totally loyal and enjoy life to the full.  I think we can learn a lot from their outlook on life.  Gemma has been a great comfort to us both and I can't imagine being without her.

    You say you live in Dorset - I wonder if it's anywhere near us in Christchurch?

    Once again, your words are so eloquent and beautiful.  I look forward to reading more.

    All love

    Madge x x x x