A good day indeed

1 minute read time.

It's not often that I feel compelled to write because of the beauty of the world, but yesterday was one of those days – one that stood out in two week's worth of days that have all stood out, which is praise indeed. Endless sunny days, beautiful blue skies and pinky-orange cotton wool sunsets setting over calm seas have become the norm. Bluebells have filled the woods and the tree's leaves have burst forth into life and light, as has my heart to walk amongst all that we are given but sometimes forget.

 The addition of a new member of the family, a five year old young lady called Jadie from Maidstone has brought her own problems, and rewards too. For without her, or Purdey as she is now known, I might have stayed at home, together with the pains in my legs and hips that seem to have resurfaced, mulling the future. But Purdey is keen to discover the world, her senses – all these new smells, so enticing, so confusing – water, water, WATER! A break in the hedge with a stream behind in which to jump is a chance missed can't you see. A stick thrown is even more devine.

 Together we walked up by the Coly river and up over the hills, through fields of Buttercups and Dandelions, through lanes of Stitchwort and Cow Parsley. White blossom floated from a tree outside a beautiful farmhouse, where a bottle of lemonade sat half drunk on a table. Small streams burbled, with tentacles of streamer weed waving over beds of sunlit gravel, where minnows swam to be alive. Meadows of grass so lush that Purdey had to jump and spring to find her way – her ever gaining excitement a visible sign of the beauty we both felt. Like a dream world, one long gone, written about, but never seen. The thing of tales, the thing that men were forced to fight to protect. Summer, oh glorious English summer. For you are here. And so am I, of that much I am glad.

For more photographs, information on my climb of Mont Blanc this summer for The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, and details of my fundraising (www.justgiving.com/jonathancpiper) then please visit: 



  • FormerMember

    Aint it strange how cancer opens your eyes ??? Everyday things suddenly become more colourfull and interesting. I snap away with my phone/camera whenever I spot something. I am a lung cancer patient, had top right lobe removed June 2008 due to large 9cm tumour. Yes I smoked, no I dont anymore, too ashamed. I hate the stigma as well, the smug look on the non smokers faces, that 'you got what you deserved' look. If it happens to them it may change their minds.

                         I can only walk short distances now due to arthritis, my breathing is reasonable but the joints are very painfull, specially the ankles but I still get out with the dogs, a labrador and a daschund.

    Live and enjoy life, Bill

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Bill for the comment. Yes, you're right - every day has special meaning, just means that little bit more, because of still being here. The world just seems especially beautiful at the moment.

    Glad to hear that you're still getting out with your dogs, they're a fantastic tonic for when times are tough. I've had a lot of pain from my joints recently, not sure if it's historic joints that have had radiotherapy...or new spread. But I try not to think about that as best as I can. Best wishes. Thanks for writing.

  • FormerMember

    Hi,I read somewhere on the net that rheumatoid arthritis often accompanies lung cancer. Something to do with the circulatory system being affected. I am even on steroids for it but it dont work. This last winter with it's sub zero temperatures was a nightmare. Looks like we have to put up with it !!!  I'm older than you, 62 next and creak like a 102 year old. Lol

    Take care, each day is a bonus.       Bill

  • FormerMember

    You could be right Bill, I've had some odd pains going on in my hands which I've never had before - like the hand sort of 'sticking'. I'll look into it. Have a good weekend.