The first day of my cancer journey

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Waking up today with a completely different mindset. Yesterday was the first day of my bowel cancer diagnosis. WOW what a difference a day can make in anyone's life. I was born with positive thinking, and problem solving as a skills. Today has started with confusion. My mind is now being put to the test. I have decided to get mentally stronger everyday in what ever way I can. Starting with sharing positivity, sharing my positive thinking with anyone who is facing the same journey. No matter what the future holds, never loose your focus on your personal wellbeing. Every day matters. 

  • Welcome ! There are lots of blogs here with experiences to share on how they keep going. Starting a blog is a good way of keeping your thoughts in order and helping overcome confusion too. Good luck with your treatment. 

  • Hi Selsey. This was me tail end of February. Today I'm a week post operation (high anterior resection). I know I'm not out of the woods yet, but keeping spirits up has been key to getting through this. Don't know if your username suggests you're in the Chichester area, but if so, I promise you're in good hands. Best wishes.

  • Good morning, thank you so much for your message. My biggest fear at the moment is that I'm told its terminal. I just want the chance and opportunity to have treatment and I'm definitely ready for the battle. I don't live in the Chichester area it's my special holiday destination ghat I have been sharing with my family for nearly 50 years. I'm in Dorset and living close to Bournemouth hospital. I'm so pleased for you that you have had your surgery. I'm in the worst stage of my journey as I don't have any answers at all. Waiting for my scans and the details of ghe findings. Will be at least another 2 weeks. My mind is on an emotional roundabout. 

  • I, and I'm sure everyone else here, went through all those same emotions. Hoped for the best, but feared the worst. Whatever the prognosis, I know darn well that you'll feel better than you do at the moment. The period that you're in at the moment is some sort of unholy purgatory, but have faith in the medical professionals who'll be looking after you, and, above all, yourself. One thing all this awfulness has taught me is that we're stronger than we think.

  • So true X what I have learned already is every journey is different. My journey will be one of hope and peace. Making sure I manage my emotions well and keep smiling. I have surprised myself in how I have been over the past few days. Keeping my daily routine and keeping my head up. No tears. My sister is struggling more than me. She knows how strong minded I am and has promised she will work towards a stronger mindset as this will get us both through it together. Had my CT scan today and waiting for my MRI. Not long now until I know more about what I'm facing. Thank you for your message and I am wishing you well for your journey X