Post radio debut

3 minute read time.

Hi folks,

Yesterday saw my radio debut on 103FM the eye.

In all, it went well. Here's my story.....

So I was to phone in at 13:00hrs and talk, I could handle that right? Well if you were to listen to my heart or even just look at my chest you could of mistaken me for an extra in Aliens just before the cracking of the sternum and the little blighter escaping into the world. Nerves, oh yes I was.  Thoughts running through my mind, "shall I bottle it?", "shall I fake a long tunnel, therefore breaking my signal, rendering radio silence?" This was all followed by "Man up you great big softie and crack on with it"

5 minutes before I was due to go on air, I recieve a text from a friend at work "Hi, we are all here at work with the radio on and listening out for you"  Oh **** I know I facebooked the time and date to all my contacts, but I don't need to know that people will actually be listening, not right now.  I ungratefully text back "Thanks for putting my already high stress levels right through the roof"  I know they were only showing their support, which I am actually very grateful for, thank you.

Then began my taping of  the long number mile.  Jonny Mac, the guy hosting answered and was really friendly, letting me know he was putting me through, I would hear the end of the news. He and his co-host Dr Jane (who had actually done the trek herself) introduced me and the trek. 

It was a little surreal, being on the end of the line, hearing the news and the intro. After the introduction and a little misunderstanding on my job, I started off as a cardiac psychologist, instead of physiologist, but hey ho, i think that actually calmed me a bit. I wonder could I try and work out what the mind of a heart is thinking?

Then......."Hello Darren, welcome and how are you?" This was it, i'm here now, all thoughts of a long silence whilst I stammer to get the first words out were no where to be heard, or not as the case may be with silence!!

"Hi Jonny, Hi Jane, how are you both? thank you for inviting me on"  Success I had done it, after the initial dread, jubilation, this was going to be ok after all. Fear of the unknow, is best taken on head first in my humble opinion.

The interview started well, all be it with a slight tremor in my voice on answering the first question, then wham, I'm in the zone, well in my mind I am, and thats all I need.  The interview carried on well, them asking me questions on the trek, why this challenge?, why macmillan? How the fundraising was going? any fundraising events I had coming up?  Jane spoke to me a little about her experience with the trek.

After we came off air I spoke to Jonny again, he was full of beans,saying the interview was really good. I was stoked.  We have organised to do a few follow ups before I go and then another on my return.  Plenty more coverage for Macmillan, get in. I'll be old hat on the radio after all that, I jest but I'm really happy that I did it.  Not just because it has given Macmillan more exposure but for me, speaking to any audience is daunting, and I feel although it is only a small achievement, it is one nether the less.  I recently made a promise to myself to push my comfort zone, and challenge myself, there are so many people who are struggling with a lot more than I have to and I take inspiration from those that have the difficult challenges!! 

I've had a little feedback from friends and family, who all seemed to enjoy the interview. I'm looking forward to the next.

Thanks for reading, kind regards


