A thought on Training

3 minute read time.

After several months of inactiviy, and quite frankly over indulgence in the eating department, well it was the festive season, which just lasted a little longer then it should of done.  I decided it was high time to get my act together and head back to the gym.

Monday 6th February 2012, appointment booked for gym programme and high time for a motivational kick up the preverbial!! It started well, with a quick chat about what I wanted from the programme. 

"Here's my plan" I tell the guy, Tom, nice fella, seems knowledgeable and not wanting to baffle me with science.

In my head i'm planning something like the following.

Monday - Yoga (Alternate mondays I have a day off, so would be good to do something on that day as well as the yoga).

Tuesday - 1 hour at the gym, to included cardio work and upper body weights.

Wednesday - Day off (Straight from work , I go to look after my son).

Thursday - Swimming, minimum of a mile.

Friday and weekends - Alternate weekends I have my boy so I just see how it goes.

At least twice a week I will walk to and from work (distance approx 2 and half miles/ 40 minutes).

Back to the gym programme,  I have fallen in love with a great bit of kit named the Stair Master - basically its like walking up an esculator the wrong way.  Its amazing and for the short time I used it, I was blowing and blowing hard!! It gave me the beasting of a life time in such a short time, it was great.  Ok, so that sounds a bit masochistic, but it is just not right if you dont feel a good work out , in my opinion.  The stair master is definitely going to be a regular fixture in the fitness programme, not only that but it replicates some of what I will come across on the trek.

The session, carried on with trying out the weights.  I do not know what I did, but ouch, ouch, ouch for three days solid I felt like I had ripped every muscle fibre in my shoulders and arms.  Oh well, no pain,no gain as they say.

I am now looking forward to going to the gym and I can feel that motivation creeping back.

On another note, I am really enjoying walking to work, even if this last week has possibly  been the coldest for quite some time now.  I really should post a picture, I am a sight to behold, A Russian type woollen hat (there must be a name for that specfic hat?), scarf wrapped around my face, with only my eyes peeping out.  Bulked up with baselayer top and trousers underneath Jeans, top and coat, thick soaks and my make shift walking boots and gloves.  Not only that but Im also carrying the back pack that I hope to take with me. No need to worry about not carrying enough weight.  With my uniform, gym kit, revision material for my up and coming exam at work and food, im carrying plenty,, its like carrying a small gremlin or two on my back!

On a slightly different note, by walking to work, its amazing how much you can actually see of the environment around you as apposed to the narrow short sighted view of the inside of a car, and the traffic around!! A prime example of this was whilst walking over a bridge, I looked over to my left and could see into some allotments.  A fox jumped out from some bushes and danced through the snow, it was only a short glimpse but nether the less a great glimpse into nature and what we can see if we go round with our eyes open!
