Super Saturday...

1 minute read time.

The day started well enough...5 hours sleep (brill) and puppy got up late 7am so all was good. At ten i noticed that the puppy was limping suddenly, i heard no yelp and he had not been doing anything out of the ordinary. Blast! Rang the vet who could get him in at eleven. Rushed over there, he got in the vets who examined him and he was just trotting about normally, sheesh, tired and £40 poorer i came home and started to get Alans things togather. It took me a whole crazy hour to try and get the ipod to sync, even the children could not do it as the songs needed to be retrieved from a separate drive and only one usb port works on that machine..anyway i was so proud to work out how to finally do it ( using a submarine shaped usb hub, a previously unused xmas present!) so that was a plus.

Alan was like a different person today, back to his old self. It was great to see such a change, he was chatting to one of the 'rowdy'  patients from yesterday when i walked in , they seemed to get on really well. They were talking about IT and films, so i was really pleased at what a difference a good nights sleep had made to him :) I am hoping the leg scan on tues will show no DVT and he will be out, because he is now eating! Today he had cornflakes and macaroni cheese. ( not together!) 

I left at 4 and went home, sorted some phone calls and emails, including one from my work from yesterday who want me to do a piece of artwork for Tuesday (eek) . Then went back to the hospital with my two children at 630. My son Arthur and Alan played cribbage, i could tell Alan was loving it! Flora and i chatted and just talked about all sorts, it made me realise how much i am rushing about at home all the time.

We got home to a very playful and excitable puppy. I phoned a good friend to have a chat and now here i am writing this. Im going to tidy up a little to make it more bearable in the morning and then i am going to hopefully have an hour of pottering before bed.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emily,

    Sorry to hear about your wee puppy. But very Glad to hear Alan had a very good day and is now eating. Its so good when you have a very good day.  I hope it continues tomorrow. I can feel the relief in your Post long may it last.

    Good night and sleep well.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember


    I too like Sarsfield can feel the relief in yuor post.Good Alan had a better day, hope you managed to get another good night.Here's to a Super Sunday and hope you all manage to spend time together again even if it is beside a hospital bed.

    Take care

    Love jackie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emily

    Great news that Alan has been eating - and has perked up!  Long may it continue.  Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Love, Ann x