Tues 23rd- First day after husband's first chemo.

1 minute read time.

Day 13 since diagnosis.( Husband has stage 4 lung cancer with mets to liver and pancreas) My husband, Alan, had chemo yesterday. His first cycle of three.When i woke up he was crying and he has been asleep on and off all day. He managed some soup which was good and has been listening to music .This does comfort him alot. My son and daughter are 12 and 13 and they have been in and out of the house but i think it is starting to hit them how ill he really is. I will be glad when they are at school and getting support from all their friends. I feel a bit guilty as my husband was out of work last summer so we did not go anywhere on holiday or day trips and now we are in this situation.They are such lovely children and really do understand why we are at home alot but i feel a bit sad all the same that we are not rushing here and there like we used to.One thing i have found hard in these early days is remembering to update family and friends and fielding their phone calls.I keep forgetting who i have told what. I suppose i should start writing things down but i have never been very organised!I managed to get six hours sleep last night which was great! Of course i feel all the more tired for getting some sleep at last. Typical! I am hoping that Alan will feel ok later on today and tonight. The only symptoms at the moment are fatique and hiccups.He is emotionally drained though and sad, because up until yesterday he was whizzing here and there and pottering about. I really hope he feels a bit stronger in the next few days..


  • FormerMember

    It is a horrid situation to be in and you are in my thoughts. Finding the things he still enjoys is great.Spending time together is so important too. ((((((HUG)))))  I can only offer inadequate hugs....I'm still grieving and I'm at the "very angry" stage.. I HATE HATE HATE cancer and what it does to destroy lovely people and families.

    Hope you find some comfort here x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emily,

    You sound a very caring loving Wife and Mum. The fatique

    is the worst,it really takes it out of you.  But soon you both will get into a routine,and things should start getting easier. As for the kids and this is only my opinion. Why dont you sit them down and tell them about their Dads illness. You could be suprised how quickly they understand. But thats your call.  All the best to your whole Family and I hope things start getting easier,

    Take care and be safe Big Hug Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emily,

    In a similar situation to yourself re kids, had all sorts of plans for day trips to the beach, theme parks etc all is on hold now. I know some might say don't put these things off as you never know what the future brings but for me my immediate future is to be here and make things easier for my parents. Luckily like your children they understand and it makes them eel like they too are helping so try not to feel guilty.

    Hugs and best wishes


  • FormerMember

    Hi Emily,

    My husband also has lung cancer, diagnosed in april,he had his 1st set of chemo back in may and is due to start his last course tomorrow, luckily he wasn't too afected by sickness, just over whelming tiresness, we have a routine now, 1st week, rest,rest and more rest, 2nd week pottering about and take our lead from how he feels each day, 3rd week, we always try to socialise a little or a short trip somewhere, its our way of normality for now.

    Hope chemo doesn't make Alan too ill and you are able to spend quality time together as a family. We have the joys of radiotherapy next, another journey into the unknown!

    Big hugs, take care

    Jackie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    hi emily

    my husband has lung cancer too he hasnt started chemo yet so i cant   imagine what its like yet but i feel for you and i hope you find some comfort on here as i have  big hugs  irene xxxx