
1 minute read time.

Alan asked me not to bring the children in to see him today as the man in the bed opposite is incredibly ill, Alan has to keep his curtains shut now as he cant bear to look at him although he can hear him wheezing and being sick :(

Alan did not look as well today i thought, he said he did not think he had been drinking enough. When i got there he was eating a veggie cottage pie but when i got home he texted to say he had been sick and that and all the pills he had taken had come up :(

When i was there we cuddled on the bed and both had a little cry, you miss the closeness of that i think a lot. I helped him have a shower while i was there, i have to admit i was shocked to see how thin he was now already. 

His fingers are quite clubbed and they get very sore where the nails curl over and dig in his skin, at the edges they get red and then they weep, today i am taking in some antiseptic cream ( the hospital dont have any lol ) 

At home when i woke in the morning the puppy was still a bit lame and my daughter said she felt ill and sick and she went back to bed, so it was a horrid day at home. My sister popped round which was nice and i managed to start the artwork that has to be in London for Wednesday but it's going to be a struggle to do it by the deadline.

I wish there were 4 of me. One to sit with Alan, one to clean, cook and tidy and organise stuff, one to look after the children and animals and one to sleep and do the artwork :(

  • FormerMember

    Emily, I wish I could just give you an enormous hug and tell you everything is going to be ok.  But I can't, and I doubt you wouldn't believe me if I did.

    I'm so sorry your family have to go through this terrible experience, and it breaks my heart when you are all so young.  All I can say is you are being amazing in the way you are coping with all of it, and I have nothing but admiration for you.

    I know this must feel terribly lonely, but you're not alone, a lot of people here care what happens.  I hope that knowing that helps a little.

    I'll be hoping for better days for all of you soon.

    Love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Emily,

    Ditto everything that Ann says...

    Wish I could come round and be one of you and do some cleaning and looking after the animals (better keep away from the art, and you don't want me cooking either!)

    Hang in there and put sleep at the top of what the 4 of you need as the other 3 won't manage without it.

    Biggest hug to you

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Ann, i read your comments earlier and they lifted me more than you can imagine. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it means so much. And little my, I lolled at your comment about cooking and artwork, you are right about sleep, but i get anxious and wake after a few hours. Im trying to rest as much as possible because in hospital Alan has got into a routine of being up all night ( noisy night nurses) and sleeping all morning. Which wont suit me at all when he comes home!

    Thank you both and hugs back to you. Emily x x

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you all Emily,hope things get better as the week goes on.Hugs Chrisxx

  • FormerMember

    Emily,All I can say is eveything that everyone else has said. my heart goes out to you and your family, you have so much on your young shoulders, but are doing great, try and get a good nights sleep.

    Hope all goes well with the scan, is it tomorrow?

    Big hugs and lots of love
