Dyad's second time around

  • How to spot a cancer scam


    When I was a student of nutritional therapy, about 15 years ago, I attended a lecture given by Charlotte Gerson, the daughter of Max Gerson, founder of the Gerson therapy.  She was an old lady then, and she must be well into her 90's now.  What I remember of the lecture is that she herself was a rather alarming shade of orange, no doubt as a result of the large amounts of carrot juice that she drinks  Indeed, she did…

  • Using my senses


    This week I was going to post my six tips for spotting a cancer scam.  Because it's quite a long post, I composed it in Word first, intending to copy and paste it into here.  But using control V or the 'paste from Word' function here didn't work, however many times I tried.  And right now I can't be bothered to type it all out again.  So you are spared my musings on the Gerson therapy etc until I've got…

  • Taking my mind up the mountain


    Yesterday was a perfectly lovely day, and I decided to take the dog up Corndon Hill, the highest mountain (ahem, it's just a little pimple really) in east Wales. In the old days (ie pre-chemo) I could do this walk from the house, there and back in about 3.5 hours, but sadly I don't have the puff or muscles to do that at present, not to mention the perfect excuse of the dog's arthritis and increasing years, so I drove…

  • Separating the wheat from the chaff


    When I started this blog, it was not my intention to cast myself as a quackbuster, but it seems to be turning out that way, which is surprising considering that I'm a complementary practitioner myself (or was, retired now).  Whenever I hear about someone who has 'cured' themselves of cancer, my hackles rise.  I can't be alone in this.  So when I read recently about a certain Kris Carr who 'had stage IV cancer…

  • The best news I could hope for!


    I'm trying not to get too excited, but it's hard not to celebrate right now (and I'm not resisting - sitting here by the fire drinking wine!).  My husband and I travelled up to Christie's today to hear the results of the CT scan I had last week, at the mid-point of my 6 months of chemo.  And the news is very good:  I have three marker enlarged lymph nodes:  one in my neck, one between the spine and the aorta…