Dyad's second time around

  • Mindfulness and cancer


    I've mentioned mindfulness over on the anal cancer forum a few times, and thought it was about time I said something about it in my blog.

    I was advised late last summer to try mindfulness by the doctor at Penny Brohn Cancer Care, to help me cope with having a cancer that could no longer be cured.  I'm ashamed to say that I didn't really know at that point what she was talking about, but I got hold of a couple of books…

  • Other dangerous therapies


    Further to my last post, I've just remembered that another, very dear and close, friend, whom I shall call X, got in touch with me a couple of weeks ago to tell me about some cancer therapies she'd heard about, and would they be any good for me? She had heard from another friend (Y) who is 'supporting' someone with a brain tumour (Z). Y is pretty alternative, and she was telling X how she was advising Z to…

  • Lemon juice and all that jazz


    At the weekend I received an email from an old friend.  I'm sure that many people here will have seen it as it has been going the rounds for some years.  It's about the miraculous power of lemons.  The first part was innocuous enough - all about how if you put your lemons in the freezer you can grate the peel and use it on food. It's tasty and full of vitamins.  So far, so good.  But if you scroll down the page…

  • Chemoradiation and bones


    In my last blog entry detailing my background, I completely forgot to mention that the pelvic radiotherapy first time around damaged my hips, leading to my having to have both hips replaced, 12 and 16 months after treatment respectively.  You would think I'd remember this, wouldn't you?  Blame chemo brain!  And also the fact that I was very lucky and both operations and recoveries were problem-free.  But it's an interesting…

  • Background, and struggling with chemo


    This blog has been a long time coming.  I've been roaming around this site, making the odd comment in the anal cancer (AC) group and in the incurable cancer group, but don't feel I quite belong in either, hence my decision to start a blog.  The people in the anal cancer group are all going through treatment the first time around, so I don't feel I'm really much help to them because my treatment failed.  So…