Losing my Bobbie slowly and painfully

1 minute read time.

I have not been on here for so long, but need to write my thoughts down. I shall probably waffle on, my darling husband is so ill now and I am losing him.  Feel so bloody angry, helpless, sad it really seems to be sinking in now.  What will we do without him, cannot not imagine my life or my childrens lives without him.  Our son Charlie, such a fantastic runner, Bobbie was his coach, he is letting it all go cannot focus at all without his Dad at his side, he is 17 yrs and become Essex 200m champ with his Dads coaching and help.  Then there is Tommy loves his football wanted to follow his Dad into the same profession, footballer but  he did not play this season because he  says his Dad is not there on the sidelines to cheer him on. God I could ramble on about all the things he will not be there for with all our children, but the others are older and have had his support and they all now have their partners to help them along as well as me.  Would not wish this on anybody watching your loved one dying slowly in front of you.  The pancreatic cancer has returned, after all he went through, that long horrible op and he seemed to be on the way back up and fighting fit, but this dreaded disease has returned, he is on a syringe driver with so much painkillers pumping in each day, he is so confused and frightened, he is not the Bobbie I used to know, I feel like I am caring for a complete stranger at times. but I do my best and I shall help him through and through right til the bitter end. I cannot sleep day or night because I keep watching him to see if he is breathing,  Feel so lost if only I could swap places, he just does not deserve what he is going through, he has been such a kind, funny man everybody who met him loved him so much and he gave so much love back. Never was there a dull day with him around.  He is my soulmate and I am losing him..............

So sorry to go on , feeling so sorry for myself when there are so many of you out there going through the same things.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Duchess, its heartbreaking to watch the man you love suffer this horrible disease, and it isn,t fair.Nothing i can say that will help your pain, but i can listen ,you come here to mac when you need to let your feelings out, you are not alone, its so very very hard to make sense of all thats happend , life can be cruel but you have our support anytime .

    With Love and Hugs Lucylee. xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Duchess,

    I really feel for you and your blog is heartbreaking.  I am sure you will receive many answers from carers who are going through or have been through the same pain.

    Life isn't fair and we have to deal with whatever hand we're dealt.  

    Stay strong and I hope that Charlie continues with his running as he is obviously very talented.

    Love and hugs



  • FormerMember

    My dear Duchess, I have not been in your position with my partner but what I can say to you is that I nearly lost my battle in 2008 but I did recover somehow, I was lucky, but even when I couldn't speak, move or even stay awake I was fighting with everything I had inside and I was still the same person as before trying to get out, your man is still in there my love, he is. I wish I could make your pain go and yes it is so unfair. My cancer is back and no matter what happens to me I will always be me inside just like Bobbie. I send you hugs......love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Duchess,I feel for what you are having to go through.My husband of 56 passed away 5 weeks ago.He to was the most happiest,kindest strong man I knew.Like you I wished it was me on many occasions,to see him whither away before me was so painful.Now I am trying to get some sort of life back in order,with the help of our children,who are so brave.Stay strong and be angry,you have every right to be,this demon may take life but it will never conquer the love we have.Thinking of you with compassion.x

  • FormerMember

    I lost my darling husband 4 years ago, life has never been as good since. For some unknown reason the good are taken from us first, I hear all the time how wonderful our husbands/partners were.

    The only advice I can give you is as Kezzer said, Bobbie is still in there so treat him as such. Don't think about the future it only cause's more pain, the future will take care of itself and it is amazing how strong we can be. My thought's are with you Love Julie xx