Down day

1 minute read time.
Having a bad day today but feel guilty as I am not the one with cancer. My fiancé was diagnosed with cancer in July 2010 after a late referral. He had a lump on his foot that was found to be a Ewings sarcoma and secondary cancer in his lungs. It was devastating news. We had been engaged for 9 months. He is my whole life, we would have been getting married this year. In April next year we would have been together for 10 years. He is only 32. In November 2010 he had his big toe and part of his foot bone amputated in a successful operation. The battle is now to rid his lungs of the tumours. He has had many cycles of chemo and the last 2 have not worked. We were lucky enough to receive funding for a different type of chemo and will find out on the 17th if this has had a positive effect. Running out of energy and just feel like crying but doing my best to stay positive. I am very lucky to have lots of family, Friends and colleagues who are so supportive. At work a coffee morning was organised which was a good idea as macmillan offer support to so many and need the donations to continue. Really hoping to hear some good news soon.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Mrs B2B,

    The experience of cancer is just devastating and i'm sorry you find youself here, but having said that there are so many lovely people on here who support, care and share their experiences and along with Irene, Sarsfield and Linda i would like to extend my friendship. Keep in touch and best wishes to you and your fiance

    Take care


  • FormerMember
    Dear Linda, Chrissie and Jan, Thank you for your replies. I have been overwhelmed by the kindness and support that I have experienced since joining today. I definitely feel stronger than I did before I joined. Although it can be sad to read other peoples experiences, most of the emotions we can all identify with. I wish you all the best and hope you find strength and courage to cope with the next part of the battle. I hope I can offer you some support in the future. Thanks for your friendship. Jenny x
  • FormerMember

    Hi Mrs B2B,

    I'm sorry you find yourself here, cancer is a horrible disease. Whatever you come up against or whatever problems you face you can find someone on here who has been through it and who'll offer you some help and the wisdom of their experience. Above all, know that you're not alone, everyone on here has been touched and hurt by cancer in some way so even when it feels like people in your real-world life can't understand how you feel and what you're going through, people on here can and we'll help you and support you any way we can. Stay strong and I hope you get the good news you're waiting for! Love Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    Hello MrsB2B,

    Wow a lump on the foot to tumors in the lung, that is scary, and in someone so young, cancer is evil, evil.

    Firstly huge HUGS, you will find the strength to smile today and to love your darling finace, he is so lucky to have you.  It's such a horrible journey with no guarantees but it does bring out so much love and support in those around you, embrace it and smile because today may not be good, but tomorrow will be a good day xxx

  • FormerMember
    my boyfriend is also battling lung mets :( we are in our early 20s.. its so tough when u just want it all to end! always up for a chat :)