Down day

1 minute read time.
Having a bad day today but feel guilty as I am not the one with cancer. My fiancé was diagnosed with cancer in July 2010 after a late referral. He had a lump on his foot that was found to be a Ewings sarcoma and secondary cancer in his lungs. It was devastating news. We had been engaged for 9 months. He is my whole life, we would have been getting married this year. In April next year we would have been together for 10 years. He is only 32. In November 2010 he had his big toe and part of his foot bone amputated in a successful operation. The battle is now to rid his lungs of the tumours. He has had many cycles of chemo and the last 2 have not worked. We were lucky enough to receive funding for a different type of chemo and will find out on the 17th if this has had a positive effect. Running out of energy and just feel like crying but doing my best to stay positive. I am very lucky to have lots of family, Friends and colleagues who are so supportive. At work a coffee morning was organised which was a good idea as macmillan offer support to so many and need the donations to continue. Really hoping to hear some good news soon.
  • FormerMember

    hello MrsB

    I am so sorry that you find yourself on here and i hope your fiance responds well to the next treatment xxxxx hugs

    please do not feel guilty about crying , my husband has lung cancer and there are days when i just feel unable to cope and i cry alone , this is normal after the diagnosis that has devasted your life , sometimes its hard to keep it all in and feels so hard to have positive thoughts because you are overwhelmed with the fear of it all but its not something to feel guilty about , as i love my husband you love your fiance and living with something like this is  heartbreaking

    you will always find much love and support on here from people who are going through this themselves or caring for loved ones and although it cant change things it really helps to have someone understand what you are going through and we are all here to support each other

    i have requested your friendship so if you feel that you want to chat in private you can send messages , im so sorry about your fiances diagnosis but hope this makes you feel you are not alone in having to cope with this

    much love and hugs   irene xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi MrsB2B,

    What a beautifuf and sensitive reply you got from Irene. You have a long hard road ahead of you both , and we in the MacMillan Family will be with you every step of the way. We will give you all the support and understanding ,comfort, and as Irene says if you want to talk there is always someone here to listen.  My thoughts are with you and your Fiance at this time and like Irene if you want to Pm me please do.  Look after eachother .

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember
    Dear Irene and Sarsfield, Today is my first day on the website and already both of you have offered me your friendship and support. I am very touched and already feel less down. It's such a horrible disease that has physical and emotional effects. Thank you for your kindness in reaching out to me and I wish you both all the best on your journeys. Jenny x
  • FormerMember

    Hi mrs b2b,,,    welcome to the site.. i'm sorry you have to find yourself on here but as Irene and Sarsfield have said there is always someone to " talk to",, and offer support to you,,   if you look on the "GROUPS" section you will find a couple of groups espeacially for carers of people who are fighting this awful disease,, but having said over the months i've been on here i have come across a lot of lovely people who are suffering from cancer ,, who in spite of their own problems extend their kindness and experience and help us "carers " understand what our loved ones are going through,, sometimes hearing someone elses perspective of things has made me understand and cope better with what my husband and indeed others have to put up with,, its surprising how quick your freind list can grow... unfortunately my husband is now terminal and very ill and weak and we are talking weeks so i spend a lot of time on the threads that pertain to that but i do like to pop in and catch up with the other groups to see how everyone is doing as everyone has been so kind , and its really lovely to know that there are some people out there who are getting better and winning this battle,, believe me i know how you feel,, i feel like i've had a bad day every day for the past year,, this site has been a life line for me over the past few months,,   i hope you are feeling more settled soon  take care love  linda x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mrs B2B

    Welcome to the site but I am so sorry you have to be here.  I've only been here for a few weeks and I am still finding my way around - very slowly may I add.  It is a wonderful place and when you're down there's no better place to be as the lovely people here cheer you up.  When you're up it's still a lovely place to be because you can then give support to others and that feels good too.

    Please don't feel guilty about crying.  I cry nearly every day and it's my baby brother who is the patient.  (He's not a baby (46) and he certainly isn't patient - but he wasn't before his rotten diagnosis).  I empathise totally with the feeling guilty though!  It's a tough call but to stay strong for the people we love, we simply have to let go sometimes or we would crack up.

    Hope you have a better day tomorrow!

    Much love,

    Chrissie xxxx