thanks for all your help

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Well i've at last finished all the chemo and radio therapy, i feel like i've been run over by a steam roller - very achy and very tired.... but very relieved to have got this far. now i have to wait for scans, tests etc to see if has all worked. i'm scared but optimistic. After the surgery i had pretty much built my strength back up but now i feel knackered again. oh well onwards and upwards. if i can take my bike out for a short run next week (the first time in a year) i will be a very happy person. This site is wonderfull, even if you feel to ill to write you can still get a boost from reading other peoples blogs, so a big thankyou to everyone for getting me this far xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Take care of yourself and let yourself recover properly. It may take longer than you think.

    There is plenty of time to ride your bike. Have lots of rest and good food. Soon you will be able to climb mountains but not until you are fully recovered.

    All the best Lots of Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    It's a great feeling finishing treatment isn't it?

    Hope your scan results are all good and like Julie says, take it easy till you are fully fit.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Good to hear that your treatment has finished and that you are planning bike rides etc. Just take your time and take it easy.  

    All the very best with your scan results,

    lots of love Heather x

  • It is good to have finished treatment but it can also be a bit scary when the hospital waves you 'good-bye' and you are left on your own until the next scan.

    Enjoy your freedom and relax.


  • FormerMember

    Thats what I like to hear someone with guts got  now that your treatments finished Jump on your bike and of you go to where ever your heart desires. All the Best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.