Light at the end of the tunnel.......................

2 minute read time.

It has been a difficult few months since the ileostomy reversal but over the last 2 weeks things have started to improve slightly......hurray!!!

I took some antibiotics that my gynae consultant gave me as he advised that radiotherapy can kill a lot of the good bacteria in your bowel and make some nasty stuff grow. During the treatment I felt like I had gone back to square one but once the treatment finished I have to say things seemed to settle bit. I am still unable to go out unless I don't eat or drink and this then causes pains later on in the evening but I have managed to get out now some mornings which has been bliss. The evenings any time from 4pm onwards are still painful and action filled!!! It's at this time that I still have no control and this can last way into the early hours.

I wanted to post though to say that I have seen an improvement albeit small but I can venture out now which is something I could not have done the last time of posting. Although I felt really low on my last post I am now feeling more like my my normal self.

It's a long old road and I have been told it can take up to 12 months and potentially the reversal might not work ( in terms of controlling urgency) I do think that given time I will get there. I did not think that 4 weeks ago and was discussing the possibility of a colostomy so it just goes to show with a little time and patience ( something I am lacking in!) what progress no matter how slow can be made!

I managed to get to charity awareness day on behalf of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust in Saturday. This has been my goal since Jan so I was so pleased. I did not eat or drink until 3pm but it was so worth it! We did a raffle and the lady who will be running the Manchester Support Group with me Di Thornton came up with a fab idea called the 'Pink Pledge'. We asked people to sign to pledge that they would speak to 5 friends or relatives and ask them if they have been for their smear. It went down really well. I am so glad that that I made it there, stayed and back all without incident!!

For any ladies that might just stumble across this post and if it applies please please please go for your cervical screening.

I hope to back soon with another positive improvement update but in the mean time I'm off to enjoy the sun! 

  • FormerMember

    So glad to hear you are getting some improvement! i had my colostomy reversed 2 weeks ago and so far so good. I was rather nervous to say the least hearing your story! but it seems manageable so far.

    Of course, all the painkillers I am on are bunging me up, so I am not sure how it will be when they stop, but I am hopeful it will all be ok.

    I hope you continue to improve and can start to eat and go out again at the same time!

    I've had my screening btw :)

    Little Myx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little My,

    Firstly well done for having your screening!! please pass the message on.

    Glad that you are doing well and apols if my last post put you off and worried you. We are all different and our bodies have been through different things. Fantastic that you are doing so well I hope it continues.

    I am still on the Loperimide, an average of about 12 - 15 a day but that is all now so even that has improved! :).

    Keep in touch and let me know how you are doing.



  • FormerMember

    Good to hear about the reversals, I get so frustrated when I try to empty my illeostomy to drain it and it spills out everywhere. It is just so frustrating. Im hoping to have mine reversed after Im done with my chemo.





  • FormerMember

    Hi Lou,

    So good to hear from you as I do wonder how you are going on now and then.

    It's good that there is improvement in the positive direction and yes patience is a must!!!! Little steps, lttle steps and keep them going.  It took me 12 years to slowly reduce steroids I was on for asthma but I was determined and I did it.  It is paryly bodily function and out of your control but there definitely is a state of mind and determination aspect to it and I can tell that you certainly have got that so good luck and onwards, upwards girl!!!

    Take care

    Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Even a small improvement is something to be thankful for. I hope it's the start of many more.

    - Hilary