Diary of a crabby lady

  • Being boring


    Here's a mystery. I'm never hungry when I wake up in the morning - that whole "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" thing is quite wasted on me. So why am I always starving when I wake up in the middle of the night?

    Luckily it turns out that night starvation can be cured by eating a dream burrito. Don't ask. (I suppose it was a burrito. I've never actually eaten a real one. I believe they…

  • Sorry to bring this up ...


    It has been a slightly unusual week this week, internets. I don't necessarily say better; just different. Which I suppose is good in itself. Apart from the food poisoning ...

    We set out with a Plan. Judy was going to take me to chemo on Tuesday, bring me back, then go up to Penny's for the rest of the week, to help her with the funeral arrangements and getting the sorting on the house started. Lynn was going to come…

  • A whole lot of nothing going on


    Oncologist on Monday (with hour-long wait prior to appointment), with a side-trip to the DTU to get bloods taken; chemo on Tuesday (with an hour-long wait prior to medication). Chemo is pretty much the high point of my social life at the moment, at least I get to chat to the nurses and the other patients. Thursday we went into Bicester and I got my chemo hair cut, though not as short as I'd wanted - it's still old-lady…

  • The week of, as it turned out, rather Too Much


    Well: the Week of Nothing Much in Particular started out humdrum as expected - it rained pretty much all week, which didn't help improve the mood. There was some distraction in the form of a clinic visit on Tuesday to get my dressing changed and bloods taken, which ended up with me and the nurse talking about poo (I don't know why that always happens); and on Friday my brother came up, hurrah, hurrah. Mind you, I was…

  • People who need people


    It's two thirty in the afternoon, and I am typing this in my nightie. "Are you extra-tired today?" Judy asked, when I came downstairs just after midday (it might have been a little sooner, but the ShadowCat had come in out of the rain and wanted me to know about it). No, I'm not, or not especially. Just meh. The week before last was the week of Bruce (and getting PICC lines put in, and other general…