One week on..

1 minute read time.

One week ago today we were hit with the news that my husband's cancer had returned - 7 days and nights during which our world has been turned upside down.  We are now waiting to hear when the chemotherapy will start - I keep wishing the phone would ring then at least we can set targets, but the silence is deafening.

My husband has returned to work whilst we wait to hear, and that is good.  He was getting very depressed at the end of last week and it is great that he is able to be with his friends and not have to think about the diagnosis, just get on and concentrate on his music.

I am having a bad day so far, and it is not even 10am, but the day will get better, it is just when I am on my own I suddenly get overwhelmed by the enormity of what is going on... nothing particularly triggers it, I just want to sob for this man and his difficult road ahead.

Just heard from the hospital that they are going to do an EDTA on Wednesday morning then a mugger scan at another hospital after that..... all these new phrases and tests which until today I knew nothing about, it is another world and that is probably the scariest thing - we are venturing into the unknown.

We have incredible family support and for that I am so grateful.  I have a lovely 90year old mother in a Nursing Home and when I visit I want to be a little girl again and have her put her arms around me and tell me everything is goling to be alright, but of course I cannot tell her what is happening.

I know I need to be strong, and I shall be after this little blip - but thank goodness for this blog.  Tomorrow is another day.....
