Warning! Expletive laden rant about doctor

3 minute read time.

Because I'm under 2 different teams, endocrinology and oncology, I'm used to conflicting opinions and different methods of doing things.  And it seems to me, that every doctor I've seen says something bloody different to the last one.

But today, I've seen a total arse of a doctor.  I left the oncology dept this morning so wound up I had to have a cinammon whirl at the station, and I've been trying to cut down on cakes and biscuits.

After having scan in Jan,  the endo doctor told me that my tumours haven't grown since the last scan I had in June 09.  Great , fantastic, news He then said that he didn't think I should have CT scans every 6 months any more because of radiation risks, yep, totally understand that.  Said he'd discuss with Oncologist at meeting, and when I saw oncology team (today) would find out how long before next scan (I expected annually, from now on).

So got to oncology dept this morning, to see head honcho leaving. Great start. I then saw his senior registrar, who I've never seen before. Ok, that's fine. He then told me there was no change with scan results, 'I know' I said, 'I saw the Prof in January'.  'Well you shouldn't have done' he said 'Today's appt was to discuss your scan results - and anyway, your appts should be spaced out between us and endo team'.   'Well, sorry, but that's just the way the appts happened', I said.

And THEN, he said 'Well we won't scan you any more because of rad risk - we'll just wait until you become symptomatic, i.e. lose weight, and/or appetite, or start getting bone pain'.  I mean, what the fuck's that all about!!!

So I said 'I never lost either my appetite or weight even when I had 2 massive tumours, so I don't think that's a good indication of tumour growth - and I cetainly don't think I should wait until I'm having bone pain!  I mean I understand the risk of radiation, but I have to be screened somehow, and I've had enough bone pain to last me a lifetime!''  He said 'Well, we're discharging you from this dept as it's pointless you being under both teams until we have to attack your tumours again'.  Well, thats fair enough, i agree - I don't want to have to trawl up there if I don't have to, but his attitude was fucking atrocious!  'Are you aware your cancer's slow-growing?' he said, 'Duuuurrrr.....yes, I think it's been drummed into me enough'   'And you have chemical testing regularly?'  'Again, yes - but if you look at my path lab reports, you'll see that my tumours don't produce much in the way of hormones, therefore chemical testing isn't always conclusive'.  He then told me for the 3rd time about the risk of radiation.  Yes, yes, I know - I'm not bloody simple, I wanted to say.

All the time this was going on there was a student sitting in the room.  I really wanted to say to him 'Learn your clinical stuff from this man - but DON'T learn his bedside manner!'  But I didn't.    Anyway, now I'm just under the endo team for a while, and that suits me fine as most of them are wonderful, especially the Prof. 

Anyway, thank god I haven't got to see him again for a while, and the decision as to when to scan me in future will be up to him, and I totally trust his judgement.  Of course, I trust the oncology team too, it was their good work that's got me where I am. It was just this dr's attitude that wound me up so much!







  • FormerMember

    You know what, just because they've been to medical school doesn't give them the right to talk to patients this way.  More emphasis should be put on making patients feel at ease and comfortable with their doctors.

    We have enough to worry and stress about and rude insensitive doctors DO NOT HELP.

    Guess they could be the most competent doctor in the world but if their bedside manner sucks - thats what we remember.

    Hey at least he didn't tell you to take your bra off ;)

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear of your experience with Dr Indifference. They are everywhere and so destructive. You keep your spirit strong .

  • FormerMember

    oh dear, not the best of days for you.

    it does u good to rant and it does us good to share it, thank you :-)

    i love this site, what a blessing it is for so many of us.

    good luck with ur future visits

    x x x x

  • FormerMember

    A real case of too many cooks! Hopefully your Prof bakes a good cake and lets hope Dr Indifference gets a lesson in bedside manner sometime soon.

    Take care x