The loneliness of the rarer cancer sufferer

1 minute read time.

Well yesterday it was confirmed that one of my liver tumours is active again.  After 18 months or so of being stable (which I'm extremely grateful for by the way) the largest liver lesion has doubled in size since October last year.  None of the smaller ones (liver, lymph nodes, pelvis) have changed.  Just this bigger bugger.   So it seems that I have to have another load of chemo.  Which again, wasn't too bad at all for me, as Temozolomide is tolerated quite well generally.  I'm just a bit (alright, a lot) disappointed that seeing how my type of cancer is supposed to be slow-growing and all that, it didn't give me longer before needing to take action again.   

But it was something the doctor said that depressed me as well as everything else.  She said 'The treatment for this type of cancer (phaeochromocytoma) is  still very limited.  There are no new treatments being discovered.  There are no clinical trials even being planned'.   Talk about feel chucked on the scrapheap.  I know that because it's so rare it doesn't cause 'enough' deaths for the drug companies to make money from developing treatments.  But Jeez, could you make me feel even more abandoned?     Also, the Prof who was looking after me at St Bart's has decamped to Oxford.  I stupidly imagined he would take care of us (my son too) until he retired.   But no, - he went and we didn't even know. 

 So now I'm waiting for another appt to be sent to me to see the Oncologist.  He is one of the few Oncologists that knows something about Phaeos.  Let's hope he hasn't left and gone somewhere else too.

  • FormerMember

    Hi deejay,

    Just when you think theres a light at the end of the tunnel you realize its that bloody Cancer train coming straight at you. You have been through a lot, but keep going. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    hi Deejay,  

    Sorry not talked for a while and so sorry you are having to go back through this all again.

    they have just now found a lesion on my liver and hip bone area, but i was given the all clear in october.  they have said i will start chemo in a few weeks , this will be my first lot, so don't really know how it will go.

    hope your son and sister and doing ok.

    my friend is doing a sponsored slim to raise money and has planned to donate it too St Barts for research into endocrinal cancer.  i hadn't realised until reading your post that that is the hospital you are under.

    love and hugs and hope you get your appointment quickly xx