Roll-calls pain and being bolshie?

2 minute read time.

Hi everyone - now I know I don't blog on here that often, but I do catch up with people at least every other day. But... I too, am missing certain people and wonder if they're ok? I'm frightened to ask about them in case I've missed some bad news, but I don't see how I could have done.

So i suggest a fortnightly roll-call? I'm reading a book about Japanese POW camps, and their obsession with 'Tenko' or roll-call. What do you think, ha ha?

The main issue with me at mo, is pain. I've been having pain in my right side (I have lesion in my liver there) for a year or so now. Doctors say lesion isn't big enought to cause pain, so they think it may be nerve pain. I started taking amitryptaline 25mg since May, and it was like a bloody miracle, pain went, great. But in the last couple of weeks it's started creeping back, and now it's bad again. I've upped the dosage now to 35mg (still quite a low dose i think) but may have to go up again. So bit p****d off about that.

Anyone else had 'nerve pain' or unexplained pain?

The other thing is that my son had a MRI scan 2 weeks ago, to check for 'residual disease' after his op. Also handed in another 24 hour urine collection.

And we've not heard a word. Now I wouldn't worry, (well, I probably would as I'm like that) if he had an appt soon, but he's not scheduled to see Prof till Feb!!

He did try and ring Prof's secretary yesterday, and just answerphone message.

I don't want to enhance my reputation as 'bolshie' any more than it already is, but wouldn't hurt for them to tell us scan result sooner rather than later would it? Been a bit disappointed with hospital lately - the last time I went to see oncologist (end of Sept) he didn't even have scan report that was done in June, and didn't know the outcome of my 6 months on chemo. And he was the head honcho. He started reading a letter from the London Clinic about my pelvic op that was done last August!  

Luckily I knew exactly what had happened as his registrar had told me, but even so it was abit shabby. I had to sit there and tell him what the scan had showed, even the measurements of shrinkage! Eventually he got my PET/CT scan results up on the screen, but I could see my husband was gearing up to say sometning.

And now this with my son. I think unless they are reminded of it, or you are actually sitting in front of them, they forget. Or am I being unreasonable?

What do you think?

Jeanie xx





  • FormerMember

    Hi Jeanie, who are you missing? Bert has unexplained pain in his shoulder going down to his bicep now starting on the other side but they didn't seem too concerned until I got bolshie and demanded better pain control. He now has Fentanyl patches and Tramadol for breakthrough pain. which is helping a bit . It doesn't hurt to be a bit bolshie


  • Hi Jeannie,

    I think delays in giving results are not only inefficient they are CRUEL to the patient. You are not being bolshie you are being perfectly reasonable. I think you have a case to take to PALS (most hospitals have an office).

    I posted on the forum about  THE MISSING LIST - same concerns as you about folk who have disappeared off the site but I had no response. It seems to me that the SHARE site users tend to use the forums and the WHAT NOW?  users are depending more on the blogs.

    As it is firework season perhaps you should put a rocket up dozy docs and get some answers!

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    i had nerve pain in my face which was excrutiating. the gp put me on gabapentin and has had to gradually increase the dosage as the effects at lower doses were innefective. i am now on i think the maxinum dose and am pain free. i think this pattern is usual. so my sympathies because pain is awful but work with your gp to get the right dosage.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jeannie

    I don't think it's at all unreasonable to ask for your son's scan result. If the secretary doesn't get back to him on Monday, give her another ring.

    Kate - I was on Whatnow and I post on the blogs and forums (don't want to miss anything!), just don't tend to go into chat as I can't keep up with the various conversations!

    Angela x

  • FormerMember

    remember that the records are YOURS you can take em home to read if you wish, they wont like it but they will have yto agree to your requests for your records.

    pete skipper