Doctors give me something with one hand - and take it away with the other

2 minute read time.

When I was a little girl my nan had a saying that went something like - talk about give you something with one hand and then take it away with the other!'

Well that's exactly how I feel today.  We went to get the results of our scans today - my son's MRI and my CT.    Great news for me - no change at all since my last scan in January.  Only one lesion visible on CT (used to be 3 in liver) and that hasn't grown from 1.5cms.  Other active cells (couple of lymph nodes, and pelvis, where I had a tumour removed) only visible on PET.  No new tumours. The best news I could have hoped for.  But I tell you, it means nothing when there's a shadow hanging over my son's results.

The site of his tumour - all clear.  Rest of his abdomen - all clear.  'Oh', she said,  (the Prof is away)  'there is a bit of an 'artefact'   -  artefact?  I thought that was something you brought back from foreign travel, - 'an artefact around his heart'.  We don't think it's anything at all, in fact it may be a speck on the MRI scanner, as on one of the scans it didn't show up at all. But to be on the safe side we are going to do another scan of the heart.  Now I don't want you to worry, as we, and the radiologists, don't think it's necessarily anything to worry about'   Excuse me?   Don't worry?   Something on the scan around his heart?  How can I not worry?   What planet are you on?    So now we have to wait for another scan appt to come through.   My boy, meanwhile, raced back to work as his boss had said to him 'Having rather a lot of time off work aren't you?'  This is because he had a day off when he had the scan, and he took it as HOLIDAY!    My husband said he felt like going and punching stupid bloke's lights out, but I said 'now, now, don't be rash, we are not violent people'.  Our son said 'Dad, don't be daft - he's a 6ft 4 rugby player!'  My husband said 'That's true - I know, I'll send your mother instead'.      Trying to smile, but now worried sick again.     The other thing that p****es me off is that the doctors knew this last week.   'Have you requested the heart scan then?'  I ask, reasonably,  'oh no, we thought we'd see you both first and discuss it'.   Well obviously they have to discuss it with us, but they could have at least got the wheels in motion, couldn't they?


  • FormerMember

    Hi Deejay,

    First of all I am very glad that your results where good,long may they stay that way. Second it sound to me a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. Then to ask you not to worry what the hell do they expect you to do its your Son for heavens sake. In other words their problem is lack of communication. Hope you get it sorted and everything is ok. All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    The uncertainty in these situations is so distressing.  Telling patients not to worry is a little unhelpful - of course you will worry if there is a question mark.   Thus I have been terribly worried about merely precautionary biopsies - just because waiting for tests/results is very stressful, even if the outcome is expected to be normal.  Hope you find some relief from the worry - it's so tiring and can cloud every day.  Best wishes Cathy XXX