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Happy new year to everyone - seems a stupid thing to say sometimes faced with things we all have to face, doesn't it?

After 7 months 'off', since being told chemo had shrunk my tumours last May - I now have scan on Weds to check state of play now. Have they grown back quicker? Are there more of them?  The usual worries we all face. Will find out next Monday, when I have appt to 'discuss' results. But already I'm not sleeping, feel edgy. My husband says 'Put it to back of your mind until you're sitting opposite the doctor'. Yeah, right. As if.

My son has been fine since his last scan at the end of October - he has a check-up in Feb.  So it goes on.  Living from one scan to another.

We had a lovely Xmas - our son and daughter-in-law, my mum, plus four of our closest friends for Xmas dinner. I did a Xmas quiz.  And while I was on the internet looking for ideas for questions/categories, I found this beautiful quote:

'Making the decision to have a child is a momentous thing - It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body'.

Isn't that lovely?

I start 2010 feeling sad - so many losses on this website alone over the past month or so - then my very close friend's younger brother committed suicide just before Xmas. He had depression and alcoholism, and was, as my friend said 'a tortured soul'.  My heart aches for his parents and sisters, along with others on here.  

No year is ever going to be totally 'good' or totally 'bad'.  There will be some good bits, some wonderful bits if we're lucky, some bloody dreadful bits for most people.  All we can do is try and enjoy the better bits I suppose.

My oh my - I am feeling profound today  xx


  • FormerMember

    got my fingers -toes-etc crossed for you for good scan results .............. you are def right each year holds good/bad times ....weve just sometimes got to hang on to the good memories ...AND ....look forward to more happy memories in the making
