dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma

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Please for now, can you see my profile. I explained my sons details there. I didn't realize how to do this. I can not go through typing it again right now. This is so hard to deal with. Thank you so much for any thoughts you can offer. God bless you all.

  • FormerMember
    Hello Granny, Yes I have read your profile, it is heartbreaking. I'm sorry, very sorry to read about Matthew. Sorry too that I can offer no help only to say of course many on this forum will pray for your dear son. Hopefully you will soon have more encouraging replies. If you are able to go to spend time with your son that is the best thing you can do; hold him, tell him how much you love him, empower him with your courage. The road ahead will be hard but do not lose hope. Hope & courage will take you a long way. I send you love & strength. You could also post on Cancer U.K. & maybe enquire directly from Macmillan? Keep in touch, don't stop looking for help. Elma (great granny). xx
  • FormerMember

    Dear Elma, thank you so much for your thoughts, they helped my heart. I will do my very best to be strong and encouraging for my son. My daughter in law messaged us this morning that she had to take Matthew to the e.r. last night because he had a fever. They think he caught a virus his little girls may have brought home from school. His white blood count was only 100 and apparently it is suppose to be 1000. They .gave him two blood transfusions today and will more than likely do another tomorrow. But the good news is that he called me and said he started feeling better during the first one, and much better now. Thank God, and I am praying that will do the job with the virus. He sounded good. He is excited because he and a friend have tickets to go see the Giants play the Mets next week! He loves baseball. His little girls are even baseball fans. So, it was good for the heart to hear him sound so encouraging today.

    My daughter tried to call the lady who may be able to help me with transportation to New York to see him today. She had to leave a message but Im sure she will get ahold of her by Monday. She cant hide, this town is too tiny! lol And I will hold him and tell him how much I love him just as you said when I see him. I surely do appreciate you taking the time for me, and Matthew. Your kindness and your prayers are so appreciated. The same to anyone on here that will pray for my son.

    I will post again real soon and update you. In the meantime, again, if anyone knows of anything that may offer hope for Matthew, please let me know. Anything is so appreciated...a Doctor, or trial or treatment, anything. Again, Matthew has dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma.

    God Bless you Elma. Thank you so much. Mary

    Ps...I will do as you advised and contact Cancer uk and McMillan directly. Thank you! See, its little thoughts like this sometimes that could mean the difference between life and death, that is why I am here. If anyone can offer any thoughts like Elma did, please do, it may just somehow save my sons life. I will check into any suggestions anyone has to offer! Thankyou again,

  • FormerMember

    Hi, You may have missed this reply to your fist post, so Ill paste it in here as well.

    Hi Crazeegranny, After 6 months searching for answers you probably know more about this than most but there may be some info here you could check out.

    It's a long shot but have you checked to see if there any medical / clinical trials for de-differentiated in the US he could sign up for ?

    You also mention on your blog about not typing all your profile text out again - you could copy / paste it in, that'll work. On the Bone Group page click the button that says 'New Discussion' and paste it in as an intro mentioning de-differentiated chondosarcoma in the title to see if anyone here has the same type.

    You could also type dediff or de-diff into the search this site text box to find any other posts that have mentioned it.

    Hope this is of some help, take care, George & Jackie

  • FormerMember

    Thank you George and Jackie. I was just headed for bed and I saw your post on my email. Thank you so much! Im whooped tonight but am looking forward to re reading your post in the a.m. and getting my first post where it belongs. I don't want to take any chance of missing any thoughts that anyone has to offer regarding my son. I appreciate your getting me where I belong! lol My mind is just not quite up to par, too much running through it at once! Thank God for people like you to help me through.

    Its after midnight here and Im about to sleepwalk to bed, but when I get there Im afraid my brain is going to go into overdrive and Ill lay there wide awake! I need to get a book tomorrow, that will do the trick for me. When I read Im asleep in five minutes! Thank you again, I really appreciate the help. Good Night, Mary