Debs Daily Deliberations 256

3 minute read time.

I have just come in to let off a lil steam before my head explodes and if that happened I would probably be on the news as a suicide bomber as I have several bolts holding my bonce together and they could do some damage if expelled at high velocity!!!!!!

Queens hospital operate a system whereby when I see my oncologist I then go straight to the check-in desk (no nothing like the airport ones - no smiley faces for a start ) and make my next appointment before I leave.  They then try to arrange for my MRI to be fitted in just before my next appointment.  This works fairly well, except I usually have a 2 or more week wait for results, which KILLS ME!

In August I had a 15 day wait, which was pretty stressful, on top of the burst vein I was given during the contrast being pumped in through my my nurse suggests I don't book the appointment with my onc, just wait for the MRI appointment to come through & then ring her & she will try to get an appointment a little sooner.  Sounds good eh.

Well I have my MRI appointment for Monday 7th February at 9am - already stressing badly this time as not only is it 2 years post surgery and I am heading towards what they think should be my expiry date, but I've been having some pains behind my right eye.....not headaches and nothing like the symptoms I had before my brain surgery but little niggly 'aches'.  Could be making a mountain out of a  molehill but you know how the mind works.

I digress, I had left myself notes everywhere reminding me to call my nurse & get this appointment with my onc booked.  Ring up, my nurse is at Uni all day, but a lovely lady in the same office offered to ring my oncs secretary and book it.  She took my home number & I explained that I was going shopping with my disabled sister, so would be some worries, they will leave a message on my answer phone.  Get home, no message so now have to try and remember to phone oncs secretary & see if its done.

My onc is lovely, terrible time-keeping but lovely, the same can not be said of her secretary however.  Firstly she tells me, "I've already sent you a letter.  I tried to call but you weren't in" (almost like how dare you be out!), I explained that I had already told the other lady I probably would be and she assured me its not a problem as you'd leave a message, I am only ringing because there was no such message.  "We aren't allowed to do that! Anyone could hear your business!"....and I am thinking, well sheesh, not like my family don't know about a little brain surgery, rt & chemo is it..........afterall, its so easy to hide Confused !

Anyway, my next oncology appointment is February 18th........oh I said disappointed.  "I think I might just do it the usual way next time, as it doesn't make much difference" meaning, its only 4 days quicker than the routine way.  "Oh, alright then" she snaps and put the phone down.

Now instead of being angry at her attitude, I am sat here worrying that I said something wrong to upset her.......I know I am super-sensitive at the moment, ask my hubby, he's either getting in the neck over silly things or I am bursting into tears........over the tiniest things.  I know I get stressed every time.....but this time its just worse for some reason.

Right, I feel a bit it off my I need to do my daily exercise and walk to Tesco's and spend some money!

this little fella has just started to visit us in the last week or two, he comes every day now!

Thought for today:
Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness. 
Richard Carlson

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gebs!

    I hope you enjoyed your walk to Tesco's.  Your first paragraph put a muchly needed smile on my face.  Thank you

    All the very best

    Georgia XXX

  • FormerMember

    Debs- I'm afraid I wouldn't be as polite as you in this instance. I'm not known as a GOG for nothing (grumpy old git). Had a problem with my sister getting stressed as they said they had found an abnormal growth - well the panic set in. However, after a little rant & assertiveness we did get sorted - even got an apology. I normally don't complain, but with what we have been through I seem to have developed a rather more assertive mentality (hubby says it's stroppy !). Never be afraid to use a cool, steely voice on people.

    May be stupid idea about you eye niggles, but have you had your eyes tested recently ?

    Your squirrel is cute, but I'm afraid in our garden we keep them away from the bird food by coating everything in red hot chilli powder (the food not the squirrel - they are too fast for me).

    Jewels xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Debs, I am sure secretaries and receptionists have to get a pass with honours in snotty, before they are employed in any health care position. Know its easy for me to say but try to not let it get to you, and enjoy Tesco's and any other retail therapy that takes you fancy..xxxAnn

  • FormerMember

    ((((((((((((BIG HUGS)))))))))))))))

    I will be thinking about you on the 7th and keeping everything crossed xxxxxxxx.

    Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    You missed the point. They are supposed to be miserable and we as patients are supposed to make them smile and spread a little happiness in their sad old lives. But if they won't play the give 'em some Kezzerbabe - that's what I say. Incidentally I have yet to make my onco smile. But then again he doesn't make me smile even though he probably saved my life. Well him and a surgeoon. And an anaethetist. ANd my G.P. and maybe one or two others. You get my jist. I'm rambling again aren't I?

    Well good luck with your scan. Don't explode - that is SO last year.

    Keep smiling


